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  1. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    @sidl… you’re correct. Except there is at least one difference. The Democrats- those not on the take from the corporations- say, “they did it- now let’s fix it” and the Regressives- almost all on the take- say, “they did it- now let’s not do anything at all. Let it rot”.

    Also- who did do it? I guess it depends on what “it” is, right? Clinton, for all his f-ups with NAFTA, still managed to set up a fairly strong economy. Bush dismantled that right off, occupied two countries at the cost of $trillions and got us right to where we are. Now, Obama and the Democrats face this weird “threat of filibuster” thing coming from the party of “Nyet” and we wonder why things are moving so slow.

    Democrats - not perfect, not even close. Republicans - not your friend (unless you’re very wealthy). That’s the difference.

  2. over 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    We just have to get out and vote. There are way more Progressives in this country than Regressives (“conservatives”). That was demonstrated in 2008. Unfortunately, the Regressives are scared you-know-what-less as they believe the lies they’re being told by Beck et all, and they’re out in force. I was going to compare them to the cockroaches in my neighborhood, but that’s mean- they’ve drunk the “tea” and we should have compassion..

    We need to take the Democratic party back from the bribe-takers in our party and leave the Republican party to continue it’s steady implosion.

    VOTE 2010!! http://www.transclassical.com/blog