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  1. over 15 years ago on Gary Varvel

    The empress is always looking for great clothes–maybe I should send some to Mrs. Obama since she seems to follow the Hilary fashion press. However, to accuse me of HATE is wrong. Unlike the American media, I did thoroughly vet the candidates on both sides–which resulted in my #3 & #4 choices running for pres against each other. I liked Mr. Obama until I started checking into his background and instead of finding a man like JFK, MLK, FDR or LBJ, I found a man who aligned himself with people of HATE AGAINST the US–Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and his wife ( the terrorist group the Weathermen; Rashid Khalidi–a director of the official PLO press agency WAFA in Beirut from 1976 to 1982;the anti-Columbian marxist group FARC;Robert Malley, “an adviser to Obama who has advocated negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group”. It is due to these associations and many others along with an education in economics which leads to my contention that this election was the greatest ERROR in US History. I think many will see the error of their votes in the upcoming months/years as their jobs disappear and our economy fails to recover under the anti-business pro welfare plans of President Obama. The Carter years and the Great Depression will look like holidays compared with the sorrow to come under the Reid/Pelosi/Obama–REPO administration. Unfortunately, the results of his dismal administration will set race relations in this country back 60 years as his plans/political affiliation won’t take the blame, but many will blame it unfairly on his race and much that has been achieved will then be lost.

  2. over 15 years ago on Gary Varvel

    What an outrage! MLK Jr was a staunch republican and this election is nothing but a bastardization of all he fought for in civil rights. Remember, MLK wanted to be judged on the “content of his character” of which Mr. Obama has none instead of the color of his skin (which interview after interview ad nauseum quoted people who were overjoyed to be able to “finally” vote for a man of color–exactly what MLK NEVER wanted for himself or for his children. It’s just a shame that the media’s malpractice in their profession has fostered this “obomination” upon the US and 11-4-2008 will go down as the date that began the GREATEST ERROR in known HISTORY. May will all live through this travesty.