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  1. about 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    My greatest wish is that one day, instant euthanization and or castration laws will be instituted to prosecute all these disgusting pedophile priests and the people who “cover” for them. Because really…..of what use are these people to society when they’ve DESTROYED the lives of innocent young boys and girls and pay no consequence? The people raped and molested are traumatized for life: this usually results in SEVERE emotional and psychological problems that lead to various forms of addiction and self hatred and sometimes suicide. All the while…these disgusting perverts get away with their deviant perverse acts and live their normal life. If Jesus Christ came back today and saw what a colossal mess humans have made out of his name and the many churches surrounding his name who “claim” to have the only truth…he’d take a flame thrower to all of them.