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  1. 6 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Now that’s easy to say. But to pay rent, clothes to put on your kids and offer them good things to eat, one income is really not enough nowadays. Sometimes even two incomes are not enough, so daycare is unavoidable.

  2. 9 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I wouldn’t call it excellent parenting. Give perspective ok, deny hurt feelings is not good parenting. It could bring distance with kids, they won’t bother their parents with their « small » problems after such put-down. And small problems can become real big trouble if left alone. Maybe she wouldn’t have cut her hair if she had been clothed differently. Kids grow so quickly,I simply don’t understand why Elizabeth doesn’t have skirts and dresses or blouses with feminine pants… like her friends ! Even jeans can have sparkles. And t-shirts can have nice prints and shapes too, with girly sleeves. Those baggy tee-shirts and dirty pink color are horrible. Ever since my little girl has been 3, she’s been dressed with girly clothes, and she has a big brother too ! So it’s not about recycling clothes. Pb with mom not dealing with her own feminity ?

  3. 9 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    How sad !! Cassettes are still ok, even now ! You can buy connected CD, cassette players on any vendor online like A..ON ! I had such player for a Christmas gift and had a Walkman for my birthday present. I was so happy to listen to my old cassettes , with songs in the order I had recorded them. Some I didn’t remember till I heard them again. And NO ads ! And you can stop the cassette and play again at the point you had stopped, no playlist to manage ! Just press the « play » button. And if you really want, you can even transfer them to mp3 !Some of my cassettes are 30 years and doing ok ! Quite happy with that. I was fed up with radio, and do not like streaming , both with ads every few minutes.

  4. about 7 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Christians do believe that people who have died can and do watch over the people still alive. Better proof : St Theresa of the sacred Heart of Jesus said : I will spend my time in Heaven to do good on Earth." What about that ? They’re not angels, but they do exist and watch over us. Who cares if Lizzie is not quite correct ? After all, truth lies in the beholders !