Crop of imag0210s

Aviatrexx Premium

Retired mainframe computer geek, fixed- and sling-wing pilot, weaned on Pogo in the fifties.

Recent Comments

  1. about 20 hours ago on Matt Davies

    Totally different example of GOP intransigence, stupidity, and firearmophilia.

  2. 2 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Not bad, FRpofh, but that a very low-scoring entry in the “Refrigerator Magnet Word Salad” game. My cat came up with “Troll Are Dick”, but she lost points for subject-verb mismatch, so you win! She’s as thoughtful and coherent as you, so I’m thinking of giving her a GoComics username. Have you already picked out “rectalsore” for yourself?

  3. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    And, like the current GOP, really knows how to work with a piece of sh_t.

  4. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    You do realize that you can “Copy” (highlight your entire posting and press ctrl-c), delete your entire unreadable post, “Paste” it (ctrl-v) into a fresh ‘Reply’. Then you can reformat it to be readable (e.g. it takes two carriage-returns to start text on a new line). Then you can re-post something that someone might attempt to read. That said, the number of your sentences that were NOT terminated by exclamation points, makes it somewhat less likely. That emphasis signifier loses its clout when used to terminate every sentence. Especially so, when there are multiples.

  5. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    You are seriously ignorant of the concept of “representative government”, FJB. She is obligated to represent the best interests of her constituents.

    As is painfully obvious even in this forum, there is a profound ignorance among many voters of the subtleties, nuances, unintended consequences, greater-good-for-the-nation/world, and many other considerations that affect those who sent her to Congress. You don’t want a baby-sitter who lets your kids stay up late eating candy and watching adult TV, do you? I’ll bet your kids do.

  6. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    He didn’t, except for the trophy photo. Like everything else, he got someone else to do his dirty work, then took credit for it. And everyone involved was in full agreement; no one wanted to be his Harry Whittington …

  7. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Geezer is suffering from SDAT, Odon. Critical analysis and a grasp of complex concepts are no longer in his wheelhouse (if they ever were). He’s been reduced to belching short bumper-sticker Fox-iods here. Smile wanly, nod your head, and ignore him.

  8. 3 days ago on Rob Rogers

    I think that Biden’s State Department is deep in the middle of very delicate diplomacy that is trying to forge an agreement on a solution that everyone over there can live with, including the neighboring states. The LAST thing he needs is a bunch of well-meaning yahoos (on campus or in Congress) throwing monkey-wrenches into the process. They get CNN and Fox too, you know.

  9. 3 days ago on Rob Rogers

    That assumes that “the Palestinians” had any agency to call out the armed Hamas agents without being killed. And how would any “dangerous criminal or terrorist” have been recognized within a group of peaceful protestors? Do you think they smoked cigars and wore bandeleros? That’s like blaming bar owners just trying to make a living, for gangster violence in the Twenties.

  10. 3 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    But they STILL won’t see any need to behave in a bi-partisan manner.