Toco toucan

TurquoiseRiver Free

A mother and wife who loves to laugh!

Recent Comments

  1. over 14 years ago on Steve Kelley

    In that case I certainly agree, but in this case I don’t believe that malicious incompetence applies in this case. I believe that more work on communication between the left hand, and the left hand. Perhaps we should put our focus on Yemen, as that seems to be where this whole mess started, even the first World Trade Center bombing…shrug just a thought. Sometimes the easiest solution is the best.

  2. over 14 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Yes, really, reading Ann Coulter? She should have stuck to writing novels, cuz she has some very, very strange views.

    And I don’t agree about the scanners falling under the 4th amendment. I’m not sure that it can be construed as unreasonable…it appears that every time we try a totally “reasonable” solution the other side comes up with a way to beat it. We gotta do something, and I for one am not afraid to show my neckidness to any or all, especially if it keeps folks safe. But ya know? That’s why we live in this country…so that we can disagree with one another, with out fear of being hurt, killed, or otherwise ridiculed…wait! we do seem to have that problem here. oops my bad.

  3. over 14 years ago on Jim Morin

    I still think that the only reason we invaded Iraq was to cover up the fact that Bush had no intention of catching Bin Ladin. Just when we got close…bam..we gotta invade Iraq. I don’t know there is a LOT we aren’t being told, and not all of it is a secret due to National Security…I really think this whole thing started to direct our “vision” toward a war(s), so that we wouldn’t watch while our country is being handed to other countries(China etc.) on a silver platter. What was it the Russians, and the other communist countries said years ago? “We will take over the United States without firing a single shot.” Jhiadists aren’t the only ones we need to worry about.

  4. over 14 years ago on Gary Markstein

    Well whoever he met with or didn’t really doesn’t matter…what matters is the fact that this “Health Care Reform” bill is horrible! It seems to have written in is entirety by the insurance companies…dictated to Sen Bacus! Could someone PLEASE explain to me why all the politicians think that the rest of us are STUPID, and can’t figure out that they are just trying to placate us, their bosses. I am so sick of politics as usual, and the opposing side, parties, WHOEVER claiming its the other guys fault…

  5. over 14 years ago on Steve Kelley

    Well this president is the first one I can remember who will stand on TV and tell us the buck stops with him, and it is ultimately his responsibility. At least he’s he’s not running around trying to find someone else to pin it on! BTW I have heard of Harry Truman saying that, but I’m too young to have heard it in person.

  6. over 14 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Ya know I really don’t see the problem with any body scanner, I’ve got nothing to hide, and who cares if some TSA agent gets their jollies by looking at all of us neckid. As far as I’m concerned my safety, and those around me comes FIRST!!! BTW Bullwinkle I enjoyed UR comments on the Jeff Daniel comic…the one dealing with religion.

  7. over 14 years ago on John Deering

    I don’t get it either…

  8. over 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Has anyone stopped to realize that the three “major” religions are very, very much alike? And also that in those groups are extremists…everyone tend to focus on the Muslims, but very, very few if, anybody in this country says ANYTHING about the Christian extremists! They are no better that the other side in their belief that their religion is the one and only one, and if you don’t follow them, or their beliefs then you are wrong! THAT is what bothers me about most religions…IMHO of course. Just some food for thought!