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  1. over 14 years ago on Tom Toles

    Some of us haven’t forgotten who put us in debt in the first place. Jimmy Carter and the Dems in the late ’70s. Remember double digit inflation and unemployment? Wev’e just continued the trend. Both sides are partly responsible for the reprehensibel B.S. our economy is in, the Dems just slitghtly more so the the GOP. The only thing that will truly get these people out of OUR pocket books and wallets, is the FairTax plan. And before you start berating me for suggesting it, try actually reading the bleeep thing. It still brings money into the government coffers, but it takes away Congress’ ability to spend it where they want. It goes directly to set programs, thereby eliminating earmarks all together. On a side note, there are NO MORE federal government withholdings coming out of YOUR paycheck for anything. Oh, let’s not forget the other thing that would prevent them from becoming any more powerful than they already are, TERM LIMITS. If they’re restricted to how many terms they can serve, maybe they’ll start working for their constituents again instead working for the next re-election.