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  1. about 1 month ago on Andy Capp

    I am reminded of the old farmer who, at the end of his working day, would walk 5 miles into town to the nearest bar. When he got there he would have one glass of whisky that he would drink silently before getting up and walking home. He did this every day, rain or shine. Finally, one freezing day, in the midst of a bilzzard, when the farmer struggled through the drifts and came into the bar the bartender had to ask. “Why do you always come into town for just one drink?” The Farmer replied “I just like to have a glass of whiskey to unwind before going to bed.” “Even in this kind of weather? Why not just get a bottle of whisky to keep at home and have your drink there? You don’t socialize when you are here anyway and it would save you the walk.”The farmer looked thoughtfully at the young bartender before shaking his head and replying: “Mister, whisky don’t keep.”

  2. 4 months ago on Luann Againn

    The funny thing about this is that that terminology is really out of the past. Aside from a few little tweaks that’s exactly what the personals back in the 1960s looked like. Since you paid by the word using those codes got you the most content for your dollar.

  3. 4 months ago on Rose is Rose

    @wordsmeet – Now you are getting into an area that is pretty complex and one that doesn’t lend itself to a brief reply on the Internet. Mostly though, while crimes may be reported to the authorities, I’m still not likely to tell my wife about it. Like with their doctor, people need to feel free to talk to their pastor.

  4. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I wonder how many people today know what “spindle” means in this context?

  5. 6 months ago on Back to B.C.

    23 days seem to be the answer.

  6. 12 months ago on Pluggers

    Commented to a friend the other day “When did we get so old?” His response: “I knew we were going to get old, I just didn’t expect it to happen so fast.”

  7. 12 months ago on Loose Parts

    This was a pretty popular idea back a few decades. The concept was to have a “people pod” that you could board downtown or other points and it would travel on a bus chassis or train or subway out to the airport where it would be loaded into the plane. Reverse the process at the other end. In theory it would reduce the problem of airport parking and such as well as speeding up the loading and unloading process.

  8. about 1 year ago on Pluggers

    In college I had a pretty good collection of tools for both basic household (dorm room) repair and auto mechanics. People always wanted to borrow stuff. I simply took their meal card in exchange. They couldn’t eat until they brought the tools back.

  9. about 1 year ago on Wizard of Id

    @KEA The definition of sport is: “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” I feel that you may have a poor definition of sport.

  10. over 1 year ago on Daddy's Home

    It’s fun to watch language develop. In another generation we might have a new word like “jumppashak” that means to outlive your original premise or something like that. This is why I don’t fret over literally meaning figuratively and other linguistic developmental oddities.