Tattoo boy

greeneyedboy Free

Tall, dark, charming, witty and modest. Happily gay and anyone who doesn't like that can just go stick their heads down the nearest toilet and flush it.

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  1. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    But going back to the point of cartoon, shrewd move by the Pope, throw in the Papal visit to England next year and does sort of look like the Counter Reformation is on a roll.

  2. over 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    What gets me is the sin of ‘Sodom’ was really bugger all about buggery, it was the abuse of hospitality that was the real offence and does anyone know what the poor old people of Gomorrah had down?? And anyone who tries to propose that Bronze Age stories are anything more than faerie tales, just look at the Churchs’ new position on Mr onan and his apparent moment of indecision.