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  1. over 14 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    It’s time we stopped being the world’s police. Notice China doesn’t invade anybody, and their economy is more robust than ever. Instead of spending 1,000,000 per year per soldier to invade a chaotic tribal territory, they are building a 600,000,000 dollar high speed rail system. The over seas adventuring isn’t benefitting citizens at all- only Halliburton and Blackwater. Pretending to be a patriot while you’re sending our boys to die is putrid. We should be using those boys to build hurricane control levees from Louisiana through Mississippi, and on the Northern Mississippi River where all those towns have been flooding out every year. There’s lots of important civilian work to be done at home. Bring ‘em back alive and put them to work where it can benefit the US.

  2. over 14 years ago on 9 to 5

    The Bon Chretiens, also known as Cathars, weren’t very churchy, either. They believed in home worship, birth control, vegetarianism, and pacifism. Between 1205 and 1230 Pope Innocent III killed about 1,000,000 of them. They were the closest thing they had to the early Christians back then, before The Church started becoming a despotic political force. They mostly lived in the south of France, in Catalonia, Langedoc and Occitan. We think of crusades as being against the Moslems, but this one was against “heretic” Christians. Very sad. It makes me wonder how the world would look today if they had survived. Coincidentally, this is the same region where the new movies and novels suggest Mary Magdalene settled after the Cruxifiction.