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  1. over 14 years ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    It’s amazing how easily a cartoon can spark deep sentiments in people. The above comments definitely show how far the pendulum can swing. I was an LA Co Deputy for 20 years….now I teach high school kids (Spanish/Chicano Studies and Law Enforcement). I am also a lifetime member and active in my church, at one time having been a missionary in Centro America. My perspectives of life and people have changed many time during the course of my 52 years. The cartoon makes me smile because it’s true! That was me at one time! I’m not proud of it, but that was then. Did I learn from that whole experience? Yep. But now I can teach kids about culture, understanding and tolerance. I believe that knowledge is power. I encourage my students to grab the brass ring and get that diploma, get some college, and really, make a difference in their world. Our world. I teach them that if you can be tolerant, patient, active and understanding….you can do powerful things in this life. I really appreciate all of the above comments and I might even use them in some of my classes. I “get” the religion issue, but be careful throwing that out in such a forward manner. Think before you “cast your pearls before the….” I also get the conservative, anti-immigration, anti-? attitude. Cops do get jaded, they do get prejudiced, they do get cynical. Believe me….work gangs in So Central/East LA for many years, throw working narcotics into that mix as well, and you end up all of the above. An occupational hazard. Please pray for them….they really are the thin blue, green/tan, line between us and whomever. I hope my “two cents” was helpful in some way. Try to be gentle with your comments, mine came from the heart, my life and my experience. I won’t get offended though. I finish by saying that life should be lived with purpose, love and energy. “Come home with your shield, or on it; but DON’T LIVE OR DIE IN VAIN!’ Nos vemos y no hay pedo hermanos!