Oh, part of the Pentagon got taken out by the wreckage; a friend of mine was on Secretary Rumsfeld’s security detail and got knocked on the floor by the impact…
I was driving to work at Drexel in Philadelphia when the first tower and the Pentagon were hit. I wound up rescuing a nice elderly lady who’d been evacuated from a NYC-bound Amtrak train; installing her in a faculty lounge until her kids could drive down and get her…
9/11 wound up killing my mother.
She was stranded in Maine with no way to get at the chemo which was holding back her cancer. We got her home a week later, and she died at home with her family around her. To this day, I still recall telling my brother-in-law, a RN, “Remember, no heroic measures!” when he was about to start CPR…
(sad sigh) And now it’s my turn for chemo for lymphoma… :(
From 8/30:Eric “Guest Writer” Costello, Walt “Crimestoppers” Reimer and I paid a visit to Mike and Carole Curtis yesterday. Both are in fine spirits, and Mike is busy on the next Tracy script! :D
Eric “Guest Writer” Costello, Walt “Crimestoppers” Reimer and I paid a visit to Mike and Carole Curtis yesterday. Both are in fine spirits, and Mike is busy on the next Tracy script! :D