… and he also wants to ask for raise. Because he is branching.
Lt. Colonel Henry Blake, is that you? We thought you died in that air crash?!?
Dark wizard: “The dark side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
When you are too weary to force yourself do magic so you turn to the technology.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a big gun."
Maxim 24 of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
in his case, it was modified to “barely sapient”
Narrator: “On that day, sir Rodney has found that his chainmail isn’t as great protection against arrows as advertisement said”
She isn’t joking … when you’re over 50, eating whole pizza in 1 go is starting to be a challenge
“You aren’t Jedi yet”
Every two years. They’re no longer held on the same year.
and in Beijing in 2022
… and he also wants to ask for raise. Because he is branching.