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Recent Comments

  1. about 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    The ONLY reason the Republicans and others want to start over, is because that would delay health reform another year. More time for corporations with unlimited campaign spending, (thank you Supreme Court) to flood the media with advertising lies. What chance will the Democrats have to succeed in their agenda by the mid-term elections, only months away?

    Medical insurance and drug manufacturers probably had champagne parties after the Supreme cout decision.

  2. about 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    President Obama said that it would take time, as long as four years, to undo what the Bush administration has done in 8. WASN’T ANYONE LISTENING??? He had the optimistic view that the Republicans would work with him to solve our very serious problems. The Republicans want him to fail, so that they can resume their corrupt, money grabbing, corporation, military/industrial power policies.

    Obama wants to spend a lot of money, far less than the cost of futile, foreign wars, that scare mongering has made us feel are necessary. He wants to spend money to make life better for AMERICAN people who are snuggling financially for the basics of life. His critics say that he will put us in more debt. Isn’t the debt the fault of the wars???