
TexTech Free

First off, my screen name. I am a Texan working in a technical field. I did NOT attend Texas Tech. I went to a real university in Texas. Born and grew up in Houston, then spent about 24 years in Austin, back to Houston, and then in Indiana, first time to live outside of Texas. Back to Austin ten years and now 26 months (as of late August, 2021) in Miami, FL. Work keeps me moving around. I am now on my way to North Carolina. While only living in three states, I have passed through or visited 35-40 of the lower 48 states. I have missed the Big Sky country (Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana) and upper New England states. As should be obvious from my comments, I am a yellow dog Democrat with views on social justice based on the teachings of all the great religious teachers. I love music of most types. Not opera. I can tolerate some C&W. Have heard very little rap I can tolerate. My music is traditional Blues and 60s-70s rock. Also like classical and easy listening.

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 hours ago on The Boondocks

    Thank you for the correction. I had (mistakenly) thought they originated in southern India. Thanks for educating me some today.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Closure? Yeah but for who? Besides, Mark did not need to be told he was a disappointment to his father. I’m sure his father had shown how disappointed he was all during Mark’s growing up and beyond. (Of course, this is assuming his father was around to display his disappointment.)

  3. about 9 hours ago on Doonesbury

    My late uncle was a deeply closeted gay man (born in 1908). He served as a Navy medic during WW II. He was at the Battle of Guadalcanal. It was so traumatic for him that he could not and would not talk about it. Meanwhile, I doubt seriously that the soldiers and marines he was treating there would have given a rats patootie that he was gay since he was saving their lives. He served his country well and his country repaid it by forcing him to live a lie.

  4. about 9 hours ago on The Boondocks

    Actually, about the only people who routinely wear turbans are those men of the Sikh religion. And they are primarily from southern India, not the Middle East. So this bill sounds about right with the ignorant AG going after a group not even involved in the “evil.”

  5. 1 day ago on Shoe

    There will be a vote of the delegates to the Democratic Convention to select the Democratic presidential candidate. Just the same as if a candidate was killed between the end of the primaries and the party convention. Had Trump been killed by that idiot, the Republicans would have been selecting a candidate “without a vote” according to your thinking.

  6. 2 days ago on Garfield

    For those who think Garfield could beat Odie in the 100 meter mailman chase let me as this. Look at Garfield’s body and tell me, is running the first thing that comes to mind?

  7. 2 days ago on Garfield

    This was back in the ’50s when everyone had a mailbox on their house next to the front door. Everyone but this one house which had a mailbox by the sidewalk. Their mail delivery was suspended until they put that up because their German Shepherd had come through the screen door to attack and injure the carrier. It was not a nice dog.

  8. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    Maybe but will Neptune cremate you a a Long Boat at sea? That is a true Viking funeral.

  9. 3 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Once again you leap to false assumption. I have not had cable service for 16 years or even a TV for 12 so I cam not getting my news from the cable sources you list. And I avoid social media like the plague that it is. If Fox News is not conservative, what are they? They are hardly liberal and I would find it hard to call their reporting even moderate. They are still backing the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 election. If that is not being the conservative corner, I don’t know what is.

  10. 4 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I am well past the traditional retirement age. I will be working until I drop to avoid that box under the bridge. Luckly I am employed by a company that really does not discriminate on age.