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  1. over 15 years ago on Maintaining

    this one is good! obama stole the election? please. mccain shot himself in the foot with some of his…ahem…campaign choices.

  2. over 15 years ago on Lisa Benson

    stop being a hater! he can handle it. obama won, bush is out, and all is right in the world. well, ok, maybe all isn’t right in the world, but now we can start setting it right.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Jack Ohman

    like lincoln really wanted to see a black man in the white house.

  4. almost 16 years ago on Tom Toles

    well, whyputaname,i do know that. the difference between the other wars and this war (besides maybe Vietnam, but this is only hearsay) is that i don’t think we have any business being in this war. i refuse to fight for a cause i don’t believe in. as to the US having military in other countries. well why? what are we, big brother? why can’t we mind our own business? after all, it’s not like england has any military in our country. also, why do you think i’d care that bill clinton wanted to go to war in 98? i would have been just as opposed to it if he did it for the reasons that bush did. the fact that he’s a democrat and not republican doesn’t mean anything. stupidity is stupidity no matter what party does it. but the republicans are responsible for this latesest foolishness, so why not give a democrat a chance to do something about it?

  5. almost 16 years ago on Tom Toles

    May I speak on behalf of the college contingent? Many of us are against McCain because of his stance on the war. 100 years in Iraq? In a war that the majority of us don’t believe in? Seriously? And the Republicans expect US to fight for them? Is it any wonder that Obama is our favorite choice? Call me a Marxist, or socialist, or communist, or whatever you want to say Obama is. I’ll take that insult over my death in a war that we shouldn’t be involved in anyway. No more of the Republican regime. Obama 08.

  6. almost 16 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Ok, so I’ve been reading the comments under the obama cartoons and the only thing I’ve got so far is that StewieZ thinks all Obama supporters are communists. Do you have a real reason for not supporting Obama other than the media thinks he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. That’s not his fault. He’s the first black man to run for a major party ever. Of course he’s going to be a media dream. Personally I don’t see that having a president who wants to stay in Iraq is going to help our country. I just lost my cousin over there, so it’s personal now. I’m sick of Republicans. Obama 08.