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  1. over 11 years ago on Ted Rall

    that’s right, howbozit, the highest and longest unemployment rate in the term after a disastrous republican president since roosevelt followed hoover. unfortunately, when a dem had to clean up that mess in the ‘30s unemployment went to what, 20% or more. at least this time we stopped the bleeding at 8 or 9 percent unemployment. and if it weren’t for wrong-minded people like you, we’d be doing even better. you, and all of us to one degree or another, have amnesia about the hemorrhaging condition this country was in from Oct 2008 thru mid-2009. i think it’s a friggin’ miracle we didn’t fall into a 1930’s style depression, and i have to give obama at least some of that credit.

  2. over 11 years ago on Jerry Holbert

    nice angle. haven’t seen anybody else with that take on Romney’s campaign-ending ‘victim’ disaster.

    It’s freefall from here on out, imo.

  3. over 11 years ago on Jerry Holbert


  4. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    Danny the beer man meant ‘won’, Anthony, as you prob’ly know. And I happen to agree with that view.

    It truly is an amazing fact that the moneyed obscenely rich class can accuse those economically beneath them of that great evil, Class Warfare, while they perpetrate precisely that in the real world of laws and banks and bailouts.

    The Republican/conservative/corporate ownership of the political and economic lingo in this country is truly breathtaking.

  5. over 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    kreole, that’s simply not true, on several fronts. First, you are assuming that if people stopped getting unemployment checks they would suddenly find jobs. Sure, some people do skate by and abuse unemployment, we all know that. But the great majority are hard-working people who are strongly motivated to get work simply because they want and need a job to feel good about themselves and have a decent life for themselves and their families. Are you truly willing to punish the worthy majority just to avoid having to support the minority of flakes? Life would be a whole lot easier in this country if we just accepted that some minority, be it 10 percent or 30 percent, will always be indolent. That leaves 70 to 90 percent of us to produce and earn the incomes and create the wealth. If it were up to me we’d house and feed anybody who needs it and rely on our human spirit and American optimism and opportunity to motivate plenty enough people to be productive and self-sufficient enough to support the least productive of us with plenty left over to lavish in our varying degrees of capitalism derived - and deserved - luxury. And without all the guilt tripping and mutually destructive demonizing of the disadvantaged, whatever their disadvantage may be.

    And the notion that rich people spend their tax cuts on productive investments is naive, at best. Study after study, not to mention logic, demonstrate that dollars provided to people who need to spend every cent to feed their families and pay their rents and mortgages provide far greater economic stimuli than those same dollars being given back to the super rich who will, for the most part, merely pad their bank accounts and useless securities portfolios (money “invested” in the stock market, keep in mind, does not go to the companies themselves that might create jobs).

    No, I vote to keep the hardworking people of this nation in their homes and living with a modicum of dignity while they wait for these never-been-less-taxed rich people to create some of those jobs they’re so famous for providing.