Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for June 16, 2019

  1. 155338754 4112568248753445 1081977566033269086 n
    Dkram  about 5 years ago

    Hi Vagabonds

    Happy Father’s Day guys.

    We seem to have hazy sunshine right now, a high of 73 is predicted.

    I had a bit of a surprise yesterday when I went out back to get my Jeep to go shopping. I saw what at first I thought was a raccoon, I was going by apparent size, it turned out to be a Ruffed Grouse all decked out with his tail spread out like cards in your hand wings drooping. He looked like a miniature Turkey.

    Going to church soon, may the Lord bless all Y’all.


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  2. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  about 5 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Happy Father’s Day to all of our Vagabond Dads.

    Not much to report here. We went to Home Depot and Lowes so we could make a few decisions about rebuilding the “catio” and I finally got out my cross-stitch again. Other than that it’s been pretty quiet.

    Smokey & Scooter are getting along better. They will even sleep within a foot of each other. He’s asleep on my desk at the moment, keeping me company.

    Still in the triple digits. Probably will be for the rest of the summer.

    As Mark said, going to church soon.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

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