Lisa Benson for June 10, 2016

  1. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 8 years ago

    So, I guess Benson is warming up to the idiot demagogue.Anyone care to talk about Trump’s recent use of teleprompters?

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    IMO, it is the will of the Voters that the Establishment GOP and of course the DNC and its obedient puppies, the MSMare upset about. Trump is merely a vehicle to express years of frustration and disappointment and in my case, Disgust at the political status quo as the Lib/Left drags America closer and closer to the cliff of doom.

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  3. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    Play dead.

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  4. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    1/2 of the elephant actually wants this. 1/2 of the elephant is happy to be tied up as long as it’s not Clinton. 1/2 of the elephant really loves to be bound up like this.

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    kline0800  about 8 years ago

    @gypsy 8…to answer your Question to me, the anger against the GOP establishment is because of the failure, election after election, to allow the Republican voters to choose a more electable candidate (party Losers, Dole, Romney, etc. and they fought against Reagan before and after his victory);and because those elected to Congress made campaign promises and once sworn in the House and Senate were threatened with punishment (worst offices, less perks, etc) unless they obeyed orders from selected officials, Speaker, Whip, etc. …“our way or the highway”!-Also the Obama outrages, unlawful, unconstitutional, unethical and unwise Exec. Orders and Mandates, agency re-writing laws or creating changes or new laws instead of allowing Congress to do its duty which is lawmaking; and some Obama regime changes were against Congressional refusals to change laws the administration didn’t like.-The “Opposition Party” (the GOP) failed and refused to do any real opposition to the bulldozer Democrats, for 8 years of Obama’s Royal Circus.

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    E. Cobb  about 8 years ago

    Reading through these comments, it appears that political cartoons generate some very strong opinions from both sides… even to the point of people seeming angry with some of their commentary! So do the people that frequent these editorial cartoons enjoy this type of back-and-forth? Or does side A think they will change side B’s opinion through this forum? Just wondering…

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