John Deering for August 23, 2021

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    I get the point of the joke, but does it reference anything real?

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  2. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 3 years ago


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  3. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Between the attempts to steal the 2020 presidential election and the withdrawal from Afghanistan, U.S. standing has never been lower internationally.

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  4. Missing large
    Display  almost 3 years ago

    If anyone thinks someone has turned their back on America, ask yourself this? – Who has made the tough decisions? Even ones that are difficult and even unpopular but in the best interest of most of the nation?

    And so, just exactly, just precisely what should be done that’s humanly possible given the conditions?And just exactly who else has done anything else except whine and moan and complain? All of those amount to absutely nothing useful.

    Times are tough. We all know it. So what? Come up with better and feasible ideas before you whine like a spoiled little child. Good ideas are needed. Save the distractions unless it’s something that actually might help. Cowboy up and think, or just shut up. We already know life sucks enough. Your peeing on somebody’s leg ain’t doing a thing but making it wet. Your parents didn’t raise useless weenies. Or did they?

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    Ontman  almost 3 years ago

    But he’s looking forward.

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  6. Missing large
    Display  almost 3 years ago

    Oh I just knew no willie Willie would try to dump the crapstorm Rumpy the clown left behind (a it’s a yuuuge behind too) into the lap of anybody who followed him. Like a pandemic and a tanked economy, and a massive increase in the debt, and total chaos in Afghanistan.

    And yet he offered zero helpful suggestions or a single new idea. Just more and more and more lies.

    No willie Willie is exactly like that yappy little chihuahua that snaps at your ankles and pees on your shoes. He thinks he’s so cute but everyone else just wants to get in line to kick his butt through the goal posts.

    And richard head, he did put people ahead of Halliburton, Blackwater, etc. by finally pulling the troops out. But you don’t know squat about what else to do but whine.

    And he did do a lot against the pandemic. For which something you traitor trolls consider looking at Instagram while you take a dump is legitimate research. But you don’t know squat about what else to do but whine.

    And he’s trying to get America healthy enough to open up again to get back to work. You FluKluxKlan richard heads are pushing animal dewormer and no masks while your leaders are all vaccinated, have their kids in schools that demand everyone be both vaccinated and wear masks, and are backed by cronies who have millions of dollars tied up in expensive treatments for COVID that those same richard heads shill every chance they get. But you don’t know squat about what else to do but whine.

    And again, no willie Willie, zero sources, zero facts, zero ideas (well, no surprise there) about a single different way to do a damned thing that could actually be one iota better. Zero. Zero. Zero. Like every other time. Go suck a Turd Reich turd, richard head.

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  7. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  almost 3 years ago

    What’s funny is the Taliban don’t realize they have just doomed their country into an economic crisis. The USA is no longer subsidizing their economy. Only a modern country can actually do anything to bring in or create the companies needed to bring those resources to market. Doesn’t matter to the Taliban so much, as they are perfectly happy living in squalor, and stealing what they need. As long as they can force little girls into marriages with them and rape and abuse any other women on a whim, and murder and torture anyone they want to make them feel like gods.

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  8. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  almost 3 years ago

    I can think of a few other times the US president showed his back to allies from 2017-2021 and took zero responsibility for what he did.

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