Clay Jones for September 03, 2009

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    nospam4me  over 14 years ago

    Give us the same plan that Congress and the head Kenyan and his family have. THAT is “change” I can believe in!

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    person918  over 14 years ago

    I’m guessing that congress and the president’s healthcare is funded by tax payers? which, when applied to all americans would be exactly the kind of system you’d be against… I assuming your opinion based on your derisive tone, of course.

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    person918  over 14 years ago

    yes, I meant pretty much what fennec said, only he had things like facts and eloquence.

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    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    nosepam … brain cramps really bad again ?

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    hastynote Premium Member over 14 years ago

    GOSH!!! who would have thought that oldlegodad couldn’t figure out which government-run insurance program recipient actually doesn’t want anyone else to have!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    wow lots of comments

    oldlego, huh? You’re against government employees having healthcare benefits as part of employment? You’re kidding right? Teachers shouldn’t have a healthcare benefit? (and teachers in many school districts pay a far larger share of premiums than most private employees)

    SPAM 4 ALL you are a very sick person, your obvious racism is appalling … may God return to you tenfold the considerations you show others

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    oldlego, OK. In general, I agree. Even Medical/medicaid folks should have to pay something for their insurance, including a (small) copay at doc’s office.

    I have a dear friend who retired at 55 after thirty-some years working in CA state capitol. She told me the state recently increased her health insurance premium … from $8/mo to $14/mo. …. I almost spit up my diet pepsi!

    she earned it, she worked there all that time …. but it does bother me that we have such an uneven playing field all tied to one’s employer

    I’d like employment and healthcare to get divorced, but I know I’m in a minority

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    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    100% agree, oldlegodad. And it’s shocking how little teachers are paid.

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    BCS, I’m with you. And I think teachers earn every penny they get - and more.

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    ANandy said, “Find the one person who should join the unemployed.”

    ANandy, I hear this from you all the time. According to you, every congressperson is corrupt, useless and deserves to be thrown out. Hmmm. That appears to be another way of saying you’d just as soon have no Congress at all because they will never be what you want. So, if you don’t want a three-branch government, what do you want? Just saying “idiot congress” adds nothing to the conversation. You’ve got to find something constructive to bring to the conversation. Please.

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  11. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    But education is bad for our country CD. As Regan put it when he slashed government funding when he was govenor, “I don’t want to invest in some kid’s education who later in life will have a problem with my policies”.

    Teachers are getting the biggest short end of the stick and it is usually at the state level. For example in Flori-duh a bill that taxed paramutuals here was supposed to add more money to the public schools. The main contributor of the public money was the Florida Lottery. Now that the bill was passed they pulled out the lottery funding so they can use that money elsewhere. Its really sad how the politics here have destroyed the school system.

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    believecommonsense  over 14 years ago

    d1, same thing happened in California … when the state lottery was proposed, the proponents said it would bring in all this revenue to public education

    opponents of the lottery said it would end up simply replacing the revenue schools already had and the new funds would end up in the state’s general funds

    guess who proved to be correct?

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    robyncharlie  over 14 years ago

    “Fennec” wrote: “And don’t forget that many large private companies also chip in for their workers’ benefits.” Sure they do. Ahem, Fennec, employers get tax benefits for their largesse. They don’t “offer” health care plans out of the kindness of their “hearts”. We don’t need employer plans or insurance companies to make money from our pain and suffering. We need the greater pool of Medicare for all, minus the huge deductible that Medicare demands and the too-expensive Medicare monthly premiums. But Medicare is a lot cheaper than what we pay out for the insurance companies to strangle us.

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