Lisa Benson for August 25, 2023

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    Republicans are too busy helping Trump to do anything for Americans.

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    sipsienwa Premium Member 9 months ago

    Have not heard anything from repubs that makes me think they will help.

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 9 months ago

    Republicans sure live in a dystopian world.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 9 months ago

    Republicans in the House have been investigating Hunter as fast as they can, Lisa!

    I think you should identify all the legislation they have passed or even proposed to improve all them ‘kitchen table issues’.

    After you do that, you can cite all the evidence proving Your Messiah is innocent.

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  9 months ago

    How about building mental institutions and finding more psychatrist/psychologist to help the wacked up republican masses first?

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    Zykoic  9 months ago

    Neither party has the average citizen best interest in mind. Campaigning and an election is an auction for a future robbery.

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  7. Sunimage
    Sun  9 months ago

    Democrat policies deliberately create hardship against Working Americans.

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    GiantShetlandPony  9 months ago

    Let’s see, record low unemployment, infrustructure being fixed and built, manufacturing jobs coming back to the USA, gas prices dropping again (last excuse to inflate them, Australia strike, didn’t happen), only schools failing are in red states, and the boarder about the same as it’s always been, except for a sadistic governor Abbott booby trapping the river and murdering migrants.

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  9. Yin yang
    Havel  9 months ago

    1) As a stand alone, inflation does present problems for most Americans. If you take into account wage increases (also a cause of inflation), what does the picture look like?

    2) Is there ANY recognition that oil is a worldwide commodity? Or that the US pumps out 20.21 MILLION barrels a DAY (20% of world production) and uses 19.89 MILLION barrels a DAY (21% of the world’s consumption)? If #2 Saudi Arabia decides to limit production (which they did), guess what happens to prices?

    3) I’m not sure if border crisis qualifies as a “kitchen table issue”, but let’s look at numbers. 25 billion is proposed for 2024 border security; that’s an 800 million increase from the previous year. Seems like the Biden administration is addressing the issue. Maybe Congress could get their act together and pass legislation? Or, would that mean having removing that issue from the MAGA critique of the Biden administration?

    4) Yes, schools are a concern. Always have been always will be. As it should be. Since STATES are in charge of education, maybe look at which states do better? Blue states consistently outperform red states. Why is that? Is that Biden’s fault too? Will the law he signed that will expand the accessibility of the internet to more rural, unconnected areas help that eventually?

    The argument presented is based on feelings. Facile, under-informed arguments do not hold up to actual facts, but FEELINGS might win the day in our over-stimulated, solve all of my problems yesterday society. I hope not.

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    tpcox928  9 months ago

    Crime is actually down, public schools are failing because the GOP is working to make them fail, the only people who have been telling the world the border is open for the last three years are the Repbublicans, and energy prices globally have been up since the pandemic ended (supply and demand, most of us learned it in sixth grade), compounded by the war in Ukraine and the Middle East cutting production to keep prices high. Republicans at no time have offered any solutions to any of these problems, other than to keep gutting public schools.

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    FJB  Premium Member 9 months ago

    The leftist’s want to wave their hand and like a magician, pretend that all these problems, created by Biden and his administration either don’t exist or are not as bad as conservatives make them out to be. Thats why they don’t realize that polls like the one from yesterday has Bidens disapproval at 54% and approval at 34%. I’ve read their comments. Oil is a commodity and rises and falls, not acknowledging that Biden has been anti fossil fuel from day one, and they’ll say inflation is high everywhere, when it was Biden’s reckless and needless spending that caused it and now interest rates are sky high as we try to tamp down inflation. Face it. Biden sucks.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 9 months ago

    Conservatives need to stop listening to Republicans. But only if they want a better future for them and their families.

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    The Nodding Head  9 months ago

    Republican platform: Ignorance + Fear + Grievance + Anger + Hatred + Cruelty

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    rs0204 Premium Member 9 months ago

    The states with the most failing schools are Louisiana, West Virginia, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Mississippi & Alabama. These Red States with Republican governments have entirely forgotten the students.

    So, I agree with Lisa this kitchen table issue is critical. We should vote out Republican State legislators who have failed our children. An educated population is critical to the country’s future.

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    Ontman  9 months ago

    Really Ms.Benson? And where do you get your information?

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    HskrPhan  9 months ago

    One of the reasons that schools are failing is because there is no discipline or consequences for children. Starts at the home. Sometimes it’s hard to discipline if both parents are working. My wife is a retired elementary teacher.

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    kapral  9 months ago

    Allow drilling and refining, enforce the laws as written, enforce immigration laws, stick to essential education.

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    FJB  Premium Member 9 months ago

    Things are so bad in San Fransicko that workers at the Nancy Pelosi Gov’t Center (Motto – We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it) are being advised to work from home, as it’s not safe.

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    piper_gilbert  9 months ago

    Yet the Republicans would rather focus on drag queens, transgenders, and taking away the rights of women. You know, the issues that move America forward.

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    DC Swamp  9 months ago

    The leftists will mewl that inflation is down, or gas prices are higher in Europe. That means nothing to an average American family struggling financially, it’s real.

    They will also tell you that there has been no change at the southern border under Biden’s welcome mat, open border policies. Tell that to the residents of cities like NYC that are flooded with illegal migrants, they are protesting converting buildings, some near schools, into mass migrant camps.

    Crime, look at San Francisco as a poster child of failed soft on crime leftist policies. Businesses are closing and moving away. So are people, except the homeless. Tent and tarp manufacturers are doing well. A once beautiful, vibrant city has been reduced to sh!t, which is literally on the streets, hence the “Snapcrap” app. That’s what you get when leftists and their policies are in total control, they just want to nationalize it.

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  21. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  9 months ago

    Yes those are all kitchen table issues!

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    DenO Premium Member 9 months ago

    Today’s comic represents Republican and Democrat families. If these are not some of your issues, consider yourself lucky.

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    librarylady59  9 months ago

    Their “reliable” sources are recent compared to the reliable sources of which many have been around since the 19th and early 20th centuries.

    The Political Extremism and Radicalism collection includes primary sources for the history of right-wing extremism literature and propaganda across the world. Explore these unique collections.

    Gale Primary Sources Political Extremism and Radicals

    Anyone know why gocomics still won’t allow URLs?

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    ladykat  9 months ago

    Those issues aren’t going anywhere soon, no matter who is in power.

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    ChristopherBurns  9 months ago

    So let’s see. Inflation is down to less than 3% (economists believe that 2% is acceptable). Gas prices rise and fall on events that have nothing to do with American politics. Crime is at an historic low in spite of what everyone seems t think. The border crisis isn’t exactly a crisis. And schools aren’t failing (75% of Americans think their schools are doing just fine, it’s other people’s schools that are failing.)

    The GOP has ginned up crises’ and the funny part is that they have no solutions for them.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Get rid of them,both sides

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  27. Marx lennon
    charliekane  9 months ago

    Just a reminder to fans of the FGNFG:

    He cares not one whit about you, or societal or economic issues affecting you. He’s in it to beg your loyalty, and your cash, only to save his own sorry ar$e from prison.

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  28. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  9 months ago

    Anyone who’s paying attention knows that inflation is controlled by the Fed, not the White House, the border crisis has abated some since Trump and failing schools are mostly due to de-funding and content meddling by Republicans, plus devaluing the teaching profession.

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    ncorgbl  9 months ago

    Inflation is down to the 3% range, lowest in the free world, gas is coming down slowly, crime is down in our cities, but up in red states, the border is secure and hs less illegals that tRump did, and the only ones who think our schools are “failing” are those who want to end them, conservatives unwilling to pay for public schools. I’d think that all those foreign students come here for some reason.

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    happyainthappy  9 months ago

    If you’re not making $100,000 a year the GOP never heard of you

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    Gnork  9 months ago

    Once again, right on cue, we get a load of Smug Toad whining about “leftists” and his fever dreams about open borders. (Froggie, your adherence to the great replacement conspiracy is showing.) It’s another clever model of Pepe Lite’s lazy thinking. Discussion of San Francisco’s issues since the pandemic and the rise of a remote work draining downtown businesses and revenue or New York’s migrant problems without consideration as to why immigrants from Venezuela seek NYC is pathetic and simplistic. (Hint: Trump sanctions play no small part.) Come on Toad. You can do better. Try something new. Your greatest hits are tedious and stale. They sound like…mewling.

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    lawguy05  9 months ago

    Ain’t Biden great? NOT!

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    fjblume2000  9 months ago

    If ad hominem attacks were all you used in high school debate contests — you’d flunk the course. State your case and quit throwing mud/excrement at those that don’t agree with you … A Brit I once knew would say “There’s no accounting tastes”.

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    Civitas Libertas  9 months ago

    So, what is your solution? Oh right. You have one. Pay people a living wage, where they can live comfortably, with affordable healthcare and education and you will solve much of the problems associated with the first two. You want to help failing schools? Stop cutting education and invest some real time and money in it. But you won’t advocate that. Why? Because the Republicans, and you, judging by the substance of your cartoons are one of them, figured out in the eighties that an uneducated populace is vastly easier to manipulate and control. My evidence? Only my experiences in the classroom and many of the posters I have encountered on this site. As for the open borders? Well, that is a blatant lie so there is no need to even provide a possible solution.

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    Grandma Lea  9 months ago

    Maybe dumb questions but here goes; having studied history for 50+ years I have never heard of a wall that was successful in its intention; as dad would say stupid tries the same response to a problem and expecting a different answer! Second question; with the Census Bureau admitting they cannot account for everyone in this country, how are they coming up with the increase or decrease in illegal aliens in this country; guestimations?

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    DM2860  9 months ago

    The only way that an industry can drive up inflation is with government help. If they just increase their prices, someone will undersell them to get more market share.

    Gas prices are up because government regulation limits oil production. Every major oil producer including the US is subject to government control over oil production. The oil companies are merely responding to that control.

    And the other issues are also government controlled. Crime is up because Democrats attack police forces and encourage low bail and illegal immigration. Schools are failing in part because the Federal government withholds funds from schools that discipline the kids in ways they disapprove of including suspending the kids or expelling them. This encourages disruptions in schools. Also Democrats block school choice so schools are not even motivated to improve. They have a captive market.

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    jqmcd  9 months ago

    Frankly, I don’t usually talk about Border Issues at my kitchen table.

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    Grandma Lea  9 months ago

    In the early 1980s A&W tried to compete with McDonald’s Quarter pounder by selling a 1/3 pound burger at a lower cost. The product failed because most customers thought the quarter pounder was larger. This representation of limited intelligence is why smart people laugh at the dweebs who want to argue online.

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    ShadowMaster  9 months ago

    Yes, but the only issues mentioned will be “Is T a crook?” and “Is Biden senile?”

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  40. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  9 months ago

    Wait until they implement Covid Part 2! Wiping out even more small businesses that were struggling with inflation.

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  41. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    Kellyanne Conway urges GOP to attack abortion as Biden campaign releases ad pledging to protect women’s rights

    Former top Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway has teamed up with the hard-core conservative anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA) to urge Republican candidates to take a strong anti-abortion stance. On Thursday in a Washington Post op-ed, Conway and SBA’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, attacked GOP candidates for not pushing harder against abortion, writing: “If they want to win, Republicans need to go on offense on abortion.”The move comes just over a year after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, allowing states to ban abortion – which many GOP-led states have done, and others have tried but failed. An anti-abortion stance proved fatal for many Republicans in the November 2022 midterms, and polls, including recent ones from Gallup show “broader support” for abortion after the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision removing it a a constitutional right.

    The majority of American women hate this so they will not vote for republicans.

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  42. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  9 months ago

    I’ve seen profits increasing. Period. Walmart soda has doubled in one year. I doubt that production costs have doubled. Greed must have.

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    djtenltd  9 months ago

    @sipsienwa- Do you honestly think you will?

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  44. Trumpafix
    zerorest  9 months ago

    Nothing about monopolies and greedflation.

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  45. Hammurabi costume
    Hammurabi.Wolfe  9 months ago

    Lets see, the schools are failing because the republicans will not fund them and are actively working to undermine them. The Boarder crisis is just the result of the USA’s exploitive and discriminatory policies for Central America come home to roost. Crime is a result of Republicans gutting the middle class through their neglect of education, their absolute insane refusal to enact common sense gun laws, their economic policies, which incentivize companies taking jobs out of this country. As for gas prices, who cares. higher the gas prices are the more incentive people will have for adopting more efficient and less polluting vehicles so I look at high gas prices as being a positive thing. Benson really is a delusional right-wing fascist clown who is completely detached from reality.

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    tpcox928  9 months ago

    GOP actively working to destroy public education since 1981; only people telling the world that Southern border is wide open the last two years is GOP; global inflation after pandemic, plus war in Ukraine, GOP offers no solutions other than lower taxes and less regulation (huh?), but do offer that global inflation is Biden’s fault; violent crime is actually down, except in states that voted for Trump.

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    cdbro  9 months ago

    The State of Things in Coffee Shops, Max Myer

    Inflation and viruses; gender and race hysteria; tradition and Main Street revival; America’s coffee shops are a microcosm of a country in flux.

    The Democrats on the committee missed the irony of their hearing, but I didn’t. The Congress, after instituting policies that resulted in the closure of over 100,000 American restaurants and nearly 10% of American coffee shops in 2020, spent an entire day of hearings haranguing the former chief executive of the one coffee company that was doing well — including, it should be noted, for its employees.

    Starbucks employees working 20 hours or more per week get a company-sponsored 401k match, 100% tuition coverage for Arizona State University’s online bachelor degree programs, paid leave, discounted company stock and stock options, parental leave — oh, and free Spotify. In other words it’s basically a labor camp. So, with cold-cream soot on their faces and coffee grounds in their lungs, the unionization movement began. And Bernie Sanders was there to back them up.

    Meanwhile, the men and women trying their best to run small businesses amid a massive, government-mandated shutdown never got a hearing. The coffee shops that closed never got a hearing. And nobody on that committee who thought to interrogate Schultz has reflected for a second that maybe it was their policies that has cemented Starbucks’ position in the market more strongly than ever.


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    cdbro  9 months ago

    Dims and Zuckerbucks not working for the working people

    ‘Facebook is taking everything’: rising rents drive out Silicon Valley families

    Property companies advertising their proximity to Facebook’s campus are giving low-income residents a choice: pay a huge rent increase or move outFor the 29-year-old, it’s personal: Facebook is her neighbor, and the company’s presence, she said, is wreaking havoc on her community.

    The displacement of working-class and low-income Latino families in the shadow of Facebook’s behemoth campus, which is undergoing a major expansion adjacent to their homes, offers a stark illustration of California’s housing crisis and expanding income inequality. By many measures, the tech industry has in recent years exacerbated the crisis of evictions, homelessness and poverty.

    A Facebook spokesperson declined to comment, but pointed to the $20m the company pledged to invest in affordable housing initiatives as part of its local expansion agreement. One of its projects is bringing 1,500 new units to the region – but only 15% would offer below market rate rents.-The Guardian

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    fjblume2000  9 months ago

    Lisa, I’ll be short and to the point: Benjamin Disraeli (UK Prime Minister from 1874 to 1880) opined that “The palace is not secure if the cottage is not happy”. We, the members of the “cottage” kitchen Round Table, are getting pi$$ed off at all of those obtuse, flipping societal experimenters in the WH! The French gave us the Statue of Liberty; mayhap they would loan us some timbrels and the associated Madame G? Just kidding, OF COURSE!

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