ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for March 03, 2022

  1. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 2 years ago

    Ow, my money!

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  2. Missing large
    feverjr Premium Member about 2 years ago

    The free world needs to sanction China, get them to stop trading with Russia. China cannot exist on the meager trade Vlad can offer… at that point it’s over for the Puppet Master…

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  3. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member about 2 years ago

    In 2021, the US imported an average of 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia, according to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association. This represented three percent of US crude oil imports and one percent of the total crude oil processed by US refineries. This situation resulted from U.S. sanctions on Venezuala and restrictions on importing their oil. If the U.S. were to cut off these imports, other nations would follow this lead. It would hammer Russia but also put a kink in the world supply and cause oil products to be even more expensive.

    I doubt Putin is affected by the sanctions, it’s the ordinary Russian citizen who’s getting hammered.

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  4. Photo 1501706362039 c06b2d715385
    Zebrastripes  about 2 years ago

    There’s no winner in war!

    Pootin is an evil madman and hope someone takes him out…soon!

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  5. April older
    Lola85 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    If all the sanctions really did cause Putin to call off the invasion, would this be the first time in history that an invasion was halted because of economic sanctions? I can’t think of any instance where this ever happened before, but there’s always a first time.

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