Clay Jones for June 21, 2016

  1. Logo
    Chris Colvard  almost 8 years ago

    Since he wasn’t overtly called a moron, lawsuit averted!

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  2. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 8 years ago

    All the better if the new manager is a dolt and cannot plan a good campaign.

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    Scott Baio can’t wait for Trump to “knock the hell out of Hillary Clinton” and Lewandowski assaulted a reporter. But don’t worry he’s still not Clinton so there will still be voters for Trump. He won’t stop being racist, so there will still be voters for Trump. This may be a warning sign for their campaigning, but the Democratic party should not rest and let the turtle win by a hair.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Shouldn’t Trump get Putin to be his campaign manager?

    Unless he wants him for vice president.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    The campaign has gotten literally billions of dollars in free exposure, not requiring any campaign funds to be raised, and this guy was a supposed failure? I’d say he was pretty darned good!

    The only total (moral, ethical, and intelligence) failure in the Trump campaign, is the candidate.

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  6. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Security escorted him out the building ( and he’ll be voting in Cleveland ).

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  7. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Using rape-and-pillage corporate practices favored by Wall Street, Donald Trump made himself billions while swindling and bankrupting untold numbers of hourly workers and small businesses.

    In recounting his “deal-making” experience, Trump says the important thing is that he made a buck, that he came out rich. He ignores the father of five who lost his business when a Trump casino didn’t pay for cabinets. He discounts the minimum wage workers that a Trump resort cheated out of hundreds of dollars of overtime.

    And that, Trump says, is how he’d run the country.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    and Trump said “I don’t discard people. I stay with people.” and then dumped sure were able to come up with that fast, are you able to say Clinton hasn’t been charged as well?Aronberg and his deputy who reviewed the case, Adrienne Ellis, said the video clearly shows Fields making contact with Trump’s arm as she tries to interview him, him recoiling and shows Lewandowski grab her arm and pull her away.

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  9. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Were there no assault weapons to retaliate with?

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  10. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    “Although the facts support the allegation that Mr. Lewandowski did grab Ms. Fields’ arm against her will, Mr. Lewandowski has a reasonable hypothesis of innocence…”, doesn’t sound like “no evidence”, it sounds like he didn’t think he could win the case. Prosecutors don’t like proceeding with cases they aren’t pretty sure they can win.Lewandowsi is a lout & and a bully according to multiple reports. Throw in the fact that he blatantly lied about having grabbed her arm & draw your own conclusions.

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  11. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 8 years ago

    I went to the same high school in Brooklyn for a year and half as Scott Baio but not at the same time. The neighborhood was mostly Italian-American and on more than one occasion I saw group of whites attack an African-American student or students. It is also the neighborhood in which Yusuf Hawkins was killed when he went to see about buying a used car. I made sure never to go south of 60th Street because it wasn’t worth the risk. Now, it’s mostly an Asian neighborhood. The pizza parlors are gone, replaced by authentic Chinese restaurants that don’t have menus in English.

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