Clay Jones for March 11, 2009

  1. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    Jones, lame, not funny, based on nada, booo!

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  2. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    ”Jones, lame, not funny, based on nada, booo!”

    its based on more than “nada”, monkey.

    BHO wishes to “negotiate” with “Moderate” portions of the Taliban.

    Is kind of like trying to find a “Compassionate wife beater” if you ask me but he’ll find out.

    My solution would be a deathmatch featuring the Taliban vs. Fred Phelps and the westboro babtist church with the winner getting a bullet…

    …Obama prefers “negotiations” but my way would be much more entertaining and less costly i bet.

    Clay Jones is still in a league with deering and barstow if you ask me and this toon changes my opinion not one whit.

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  3. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    … a long time forgotten in the mists of time. Maybe CJ’s heard stories from his grandmama.

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  4. Missing large
    oneoldhat  over 15 years ago

    harleyquinn is correct

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  5. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 15 years ago

    wbr, only by half. But why up set; he was happy with Palin and the rest of the world recognized her for what she was.

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  6. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    red, the on-ground military commanders in Iraq said virtually unanimously that the middle east wars cannot be solved by military means alone. The U.S. has “worked” with elements of extremist factions before, under Bush, and the meaningful drop in violence in Iraq was due to some factions fighting al-Qaedi on their own, which the U.S. supported. So, to me, mocking Obama for what has already occurred, and for what so many others have recommended, is lame. It is the hypocrisy of the mocking that is disturbing.

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  7. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  over 15 years ago

    Hm. How long ago was it that the White House had red phone so that the president could negotiate with those that had nuclear weapons pointed at us?

    Or did that only exist in movies?

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  8. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    ”red, the on-ground military commanders in Iraq said virtually unanimously that the middle east wars cannot be solved by military means alone. The U.S. has “worked” with elements of extremist factions before, under Bush, and the meaningful drop in violence in Iraq was due to some factions fighting al-Qaedi on their own, which the U.S. supported. So, to me, mocking Obama for what has already occurred, and for what so many others have recommended, is lame. It is the hypocrisy of the mocking that is disturbing.”

    you’ve a point…

    I harbor a great deal more animosity toward the taliban than I ever did the people of Iraq.

    Ive always known we only really “Cared” about Iraq because of the dead dinosaurs under it, but I really hoped, since we did go in, that we could help them get rid of Saddam and then get out of their way and let them find their own “democracy”. It took longer and cost more than anyone would have ever wished for but…i guess we’ll see.

    but the taliban have been angering me since i read this…

    then there was this…

    and then there was this one day it still makes me sad to think of.

    Sorry Monkey, i appreciate your views, but sometimes it comes down to only two ways to make these folks live peacfully and that is convert


    2.they die

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  9. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    and the one day that still makes you sad to remember, red?

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  10. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    (not calling you piggy in return cause you seem too sad)

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  11. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    “and the one day that still makes you sad to remember, red?”

    …it was a gorgeous September morning. a couple days past my birthday.

    I didn’t leave a link cause the whole world saw it and I didn’t specifically name it as some folks think it a ‘gimmick’ or in bad taste.

    But if not for the Taliban, a great many fine folks would still be living and contributing.

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  12. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 15 years ago

    Red, I give you credit because you have good dialogs with other posters. My sister and her husband lost some friends on 9-11. They live in Manhatten.

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  13. Image013
    believecommonsense  over 15 years ago

    Red, I’m a tad confused … if al-Qaedi was responsible for the Sept day we still mourn, are you lumping the Taliban in with them because they are all Islaamic extremists, though the Taliban was not responsible for 9/11? And BTW, I looked at your two links and agree totally the Taliban is despicable. Saw a piece on CNN tonight about young girls going to school with aspirations of becoming a doctor or an engineer and they have to fear having acid thrown in their faces every day simply because they go to school;. What bravery that takes. Yes, they are despicable …

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  14. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    ”Red, I’m a tad confused … if al-Qaedi was responsible for the Sept day we still mourn, are you lumping the Taliban in with them because they are all Islaamic extremists, though the Taliban was not responsible for 9/11? And BTW, I looked at your two links and agree totally the Taliban is despicable. Saw a piece on CNN tonight about young girls going to school with aspirations of becoming a doctor or an engineer and they have to fear having acid thrown in their faces every day simply because they go to school;. What bravery that takes. Yes, they are despicable”

    The Taliban in Afghanistan gave bin laden and his band of merry murderers a place to be, plan and train for their heinous crimes. If not for them, Clinton probably could have took bin laden out while he was stuck in Sudan.

    Even without 9/11, the Taliban, in my eyes, is one of the most despicable “organizations” ever to be and they deserve nothing less than one bullet or bomb each.

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  15. 5a65
    redheadsandrazorbacks  over 15 years ago

    ”Does anyone remember when Bin laden and the taliban were OUR friends ?”

    we were “friends” with the mujaheddin in Afghanistan.

    The Taliban is not them.

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