Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 28, 2017

  1. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  about 7 years ago

    Stay away from beaches and poolsides. Problem solved.

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    O-Kay  about 7 years ago

    Cathy cares waaaaay too much what she looks like in a bathing suit. Nobody else does! I go, get in the pool with my kids and have a good time. I’m aware that I’m fat, and I just don’t worry about it. :)

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  3. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  about 7 years ago

    Does anyone else besides me think it’s ridiculous — not to mention insulting — for stores to sell 2-piece bathing suits separately and want $25, $30 or more per piece for them?!? No thanks! I’ll just stick to the same three 1-piece bathing suits I’ve had for years that are still in really great shape and they can just keep their over-priced swimwear on their racks for some other dumm-dumm to buy!


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)

    Hello and Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all my American friends here on “Cathy’s Corner.” Hope it’s been a really great one for you so far! :-)


    This week’s progress report:

    1.) My mother’s car got serviced and is ready to go when she is.

    2.) All the touch-up painting didn’t get done because it rained here too much so it’ll get done this coming week instead.

    3.) In between bouts of rain, we managed to get all the weeding done, the bushes trimmed and the landscape completely mulched. It looks absolutely fantastic and the smell of all that fresh cedar is so heavenly! ;-)

    4.) We talked to an agent (the “friend of a friend”) regarding the listing of our house but we weren’t all that crazy about her and what she had to say so we’re going to have to interview a few more to see if we like one of them better.

    5.) More things have been added to Craig’s List and we’ve also tried listing them on a few local Facebook yard sale sites too. Still having no luck getting rid of the bigger, bulkier, more expensive items we don’t want to move so I have no idea what we’re going to end up doing with them in the end. The one exception: we listed our 19-year-old Ford Explorer on C.L. and had one guy and his wife drive from 2 hours away to buy it for their 16-year-old son. They got a really good deal and we don’t have to move it. Win-win for everyone! ;-)

    Have a really great week everyone and I’ll write back again when I can! :-)

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  4. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  about 7 years ago

    What about [eye-rolls]? Are they being included in the cost, too?

    HI, MOM. Nice to hear from you again! Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.

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    hendelca Premium Member about 7 years ago

    rgcviper Considering the actual cost of the tiny bit of material in those suites, I suspect they are charging a fortune for each eyeroll. I am sure all of us in the clan are so happy you get them in bulk!

    Another beautiful day here – but more rain predicted for the next several days. Just hope the lake level continues to drop towards normal for this time of year.

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  6. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 7 years ago

    I’ve been looking for a new one-piece suit lately and they’re nearly impossible to find in store. I’ll have to look online where I’ll probably get a better deal anyway.

    Happy Sunday Cathy friends!

    I’m so glad that this is a long weekend because I’ve been really busy the last couple of days. My youngest son graduated from high school (yay!) and my oldest daughter who just turned 16 went to her first prom! She’s shy like I am and looks scared in most of the pictures I took. Luckily they had a photo booth and her friends got her to laugh and have fun. I’m extremely happy and extremely exhausted! :-)

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  7. Kitty
    roberta.forbes.pyle  about 7 years ago

    Try Catherine’s, if you have one nearby. I’m a little hesitant to buy a swimsuit online because I may not get a good fit.

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  8. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I’m 100% in agreement with O-Kay. I like how they are in Europe where most people don’t really care what you look like, and they are much more relaxed for it. Unfortunately, for myself, I don’t really feel comfortable in a swimsuit, so I rarely wear one. I did put one on to hang out with dolphins last year though. Totally worth it.

    Hello Cathy clan! Lots of people here today! You are doing well, Sis, although I’m sorry about the rain and the lack of buyers for some of your things! We ended up giving away a lot of furniture from my mom’s house because there was just no interest. Not easy. Stick to your gut feeling about the agent though. We used a friend of mine to sell my mom’s house, but that was only because I knew he would bend over backwards and do whatever we told him to. We disagreed with his pricing strategy, but he did what we wanted and we ended up getting a lot more than what he expected. Good luck to you!! Congratulations on all your good news,QuietStorm! A new graduate and I"m glad your daughter had fun at the prom! Now I hope you are able to get some rest… :-) We just arrived back from our trip today. Jr’s team didn’t place in the top 6 so they didn’t get an award, but it was such a good experience and it was a lot of fun. The teams in the world finals are so amazing that it was impressive to watch them! Her buddy team was from Japan and they did pin trading all weekend with all sorts of kids. A great time!, we were in Lansing… were we really close to you? Michigan is really pretty! rgcviper, that’s cool that you used to do OOTM! Such a small world… I really think that once you’ve done Odyssey, you always remember it. A good organization! :-)

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