
The Wolf In Your Midst Free

Recent Comments

  1. 3 minutes ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    I hear where you’re coming from.

  2. 3 minutes ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Fruit bats don’t really need echolocation. Fruit isn’t known for its ability to evade predators!

  3. 6 minutes ago on Breaking Cat News

    You can have my iced tea when you pull it from my lightly-chilled, sleeping hands!

  4. 8 minutes ago on Luann

    Well, she saw a problem and came up with a solution. Better than some adults I know!

  5. 10 minutes ago on Frazz

    Calendars and New Year’s resolutions are both entirely arbitrary. You could change yourself at any time, and a year could just as easily start in June as in January. These are just more things that we do because “we’ve always done it this way”.

  6. 13 minutes ago on Doonesbury

    Trump’s supporters don’t care. They’ll gladly burn this country to the ground, so long as they get to rebuild it in their- and only their- image.

  7. 14 minutes ago on Doonesbury

    Did you drink covfefe with Tim Apple this morning?

  8. 17 minutes ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Chicken: The tuna of the ground.

  9. about 23 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    “I feel like I have to keep telling people that.”

  10. about 23 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    A YouTube video showed me how to remove Bosch windshield wipers. I probably wouldn’t have figured it out myself.