Brain guy dancing hg clr

Concretionist Free

Reality beats any opinion including my own.   — — — — — — — — (this should be a newline. Sigh.) Bowdlerizers are sucky and stupid. Fix rejected words by inserting ‍‍ somewhere into the forbidden word. Both the & and the ; are required. The magic incantation places the equivalent of an invisible dash or dot where you put it, so the bowdlerizer sees two words, neither "wrong".   — — — — — — GC has decided to enforce a rule against posting URLs. You can simply capitalize the TLD to fool the 'bot: google.Com or wikipedia.Org for example.

Recent Comments

  1. 5 minutes ago on Clay Bennett

    It’s even stranger coming from a Floridian innit?

  2. 6 minutes ago on Frazz

    I know, I know, it’s a COMIC and it depends on us readers to already know the characters so Mallett can play them off against each other without tedious explanation. But still:

    I never went to a school where the next year I still had the same teachers. And the next. And the next. And of course I did get older and perhaps even wiser (at least some portions of my anatomy) while moving from class to class, teacher to teacher.

  3. 10 minutes ago on Strange Brew

    I’m waiting for Capt. Cha-cha myself.

  4. 11 minutes ago on Non Sequitur

    Earlier is probably safer. I ’spect even proto-humanoids were annoyingly stupid. Though probably more attached to real reality than most of us modern type apes.

  5. 12 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Small amount of business. I guess it goes with the small business itself.

  6. 14 minutes ago on Bob Gorrell

    And when he dies, it’s going to be so EASY to write his gravestone:

    Here is Robert Gorrell, still lying.

  7. 15 minutes ago on Michael Ramirez

    Utter BS. How dare they murder DOZENS of innocents (presumed so until proven guilty, at least by me) in the course of said rescue?

  8. 16 minutes ago on Gary Varvel

    If you lie long enough and often enough, eventually even YOU will come to believe your lies.

    Do you suppose Varvel actually believes this drivel?

  9. 18 minutes ago on Robert Ariail

    Arial is giving dogs a bad rap here…

  10. 18 minutes ago on Joe Heller

    What ANYBODY wants with bumpstocks or machine guns is to spray lead down-range as fast as humanly possible. And I’ve heard it bruited that it SHOULD be legal because it’s fun to destroy targets.

    I don’t talk to people who think that way… and I don’t listen to them. But obviously, Thomas does.