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Recent Comments

  1. about 6 hours ago on Herman

    MTG before she bleached her hair.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Adult Children

    In this case each copy, or clone is basically a reference to her original friends and coworkers. Anything can be a referent if it strongly reminds you of something else. I haven’t seen this word in a very long time, and I have certainly never used it even though I like to throw in archaic words occasionally.

  3. 4 days ago on Free Range

    The problem with doing your own research is that it will most likely be conducted online where the possibilities for data corruption are very high. This is why I rely on experts for anything I don’t personally have knowledge of or experience in. fortunately those resources are in academia including history, social sciences economic and hard science research. I have read Lieutenant Col. Daniel Davis’s reports and I do have respect for his reporting to the IG and congress but what he was reporting was not anything new as these were unofficial policies of the military and the government writ large since the beginning of time. The concern I have in the repeal of the Smith-Mundt provision is that it is thought that the boomerang of misinformation we use in warfare is often accentuated and modified by our adversaries before it comes back to Americans. But that has nothing to do with what I was talking about. You really went in a weird conspiracy direction. The day-to-day broadcast reporting of the news is typically monitored for truthfulness and when something that isn’t fact slips through there is literally a hoard of fact checkers that will correct it. This really catches in the craw of right wingers who scream that they’re being picked on.

  4. 5 days ago on Free Range

    While the enforcement strength of the FCC was severely weakened under the Reagan administration and even worse so in the tRump administration, they have been gradually regaining their authority over the airwaves and print which of course includes broadcast TV and radio. These are public services, so they tend to take our complaints seriously and all it takes is filing one when we see or hear a blatant violation. They do investigate apparent violations. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your views their authority over cable and internet news is very limited or even nonexistent as these are essentially paid content and people have a right to throw their money away on any crap they so choose. Take a closer look at how your local networks are formatted and whether or not you’re only seeing the opinions segments of the shows. It might also help to examine your own biases and whether or not you’re reading something into the broadcast that may or may not actually be there. It’s only human nature to misread what others are saying.

  5. 5 days ago on Free Range

    I travel a lot and so far, the only local news service I have found questionable was the Fox station in Atlanta, GA. I wouldn’t say they were blatant lies, but they definitely push the limits there. Pretty much every network news station I’ve watched have been on the up and up and presented their opinions separate from their news segments. Surprisingly, this has been mostly true on both ends of the political spectrum. The stations in Nashville, Tennessee shocked me as to their ability to present the stories about new draconian laws being passed by the republicans in a straight to the facts manner but then unleashed their furious viewpoints when they went to their separate opinions segment at the end and some even reading callers transcripts on the issues. This is how it should be and any news service that fails deserves a visit from the FCC.

  6. 5 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Considering Hammy’s cosmic abilities RJ’s explanation sounds about right.

  7. 5 days ago on Free Range

    I understand where you come from on this issue, but I would ask that you reconsider your stance. It is confusing for a great many Americans when watching the news and being bombarded by opinions in an attempt to persuade us to think a certain way but there is a way to avoid that. Read your local newspaper and watch your local news channel for real news. The reason is that they are required to present the truth and if they maliciously err in that duty, they can be fined by the FCC a great deal of money. They do have opinions, but they typically keep those compartmented in a different opinions section or segment that is easily discernable from the actual news. Cable “news” services on the other hand are made up almost entirely of opinions with pundits giving us their own take and too often questionable views on what is happening in the news. The only guardrails tend to be people willing to sue their pants off for slander and defamation. Fox for instance gets around the FCC regulations by licensing themselves as an entertainment company and have often successfully defended against some lawsuits over their right to tell blatant lies. It’s only when they defame someone that has deep pockets that they have to pay for their sins like the million$ they had to settle with Smartmatic and Dominion. It’s okay to watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the like as long as we view them only as someone else’s opinions and keep them separate from real news.

  8. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Actually, both are happening at the same time in southern Florida but that’s not my point. The point is that nothing is being done to prepare for the inevitable. By the way, The Keyes are limestone rock formed from ancient coral but rising seas are taking them, coastal farmlands in the Carolinas are becoming contaminated with salt water due to rising seas and sharks are now patrolling much further up the Mississippi river due to increasing salinity. So, maybe the continent is sinking?

  9. 6 days ago on Joe Heller

    For those of us who enjoy beer and BBQ and of course a little beer in the sauce.

  10. 7 days ago on Non Sequitur

    They’re gonna need a lot more spears to take down a bear much less three.