Graceeyepatch large

Teresa Burritt (Frog Applause) Creator

This avatar image is of a once (frequently) recurring "Frog Applause" character known as "Grace the Face." Some readers wondered if this is a likeness of me. Nope. Sorry, if I disappointed anyone. Oh, and... Grace doesn't generally wear this eye patch. She's just trying to be fashionably lame for her appearance here. ♥

Recent Comments

  1. 22 minutes ago on Frog Applause

    Hiya, Steve. You’ve been missed.

  2. 4 days ago on Frog Applause

    Have you ever emailed me? I’m very approachable. Something other readers might not know… I’m still in contact with readers (from GoComics) who’ve been banned and can only view my comic. I enjoy hearing from my readers, and I will reply.

  3. 5 days ago on Wannabe

    Amazing how that’s the concern… it is what it is.

  4. 6 days ago on Day by Dave

    Wow. I love the saluting shadow behind the grave. Very moving.

  5. 6 days ago on FurBabies

    Too bad there is no audio for today’s FurBabies!

  6. 7 days ago on Frog Applause

    I think you were right about our dear Margueritem. She named many of these recurring characters. She is sorely missed. I still have the petrified elephant dung she sent to me. Treasure it, in fact. Randy_B sent me some lovely wind-up butterflies that fly out of a container like a snake in a peanut can. So many other fun things readers have sent me. Those postcards sent on my behalf when I was marked for death row, though, have been the most treasured so far—-yet they were “confiscated” or something and I will never get to enjoy them.

  7. 7 days ago on Frog Applause

    Another attempt (from early on) to establish a set of recurring characters. This character had no name, but this gag was typical coming from her. I got bored with her after a while and moved on. My archive is littered with installments of FA characters with the same fate.

  8. 8 days ago on Frog Applause

    Grace has a little brother than looks very similar in appearance. I will try to find the original photo of them.

  9. 8 days ago on Frog Applause

    I posted something on Frog Blog that I ask you, dear lame ones, to check out. I don’t want to re-hash anything HERE, so kindly read about it there. (There is no big ominous news like FA is ending, etc.) I just posted something about another creator and a recent series of his. Nothing sordid or gossipy. —Teresa

    I wish GoComics allowed links. Ho-hum. Remember when we could actually post images?

  10. 8 days ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    I thought the word for “anvil” in Finnish would be 10+ letters long with some cool diacritics. It turned out to be “alasin”. A little disappointed…