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  1. 3 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Spot on! I mean, the NYT is obviously the most non-partisan newspaper out there, and should be ridiculed for not taking sides and succumbing to “bothsidesism”.

    (caveat lector: under no circumstances look at the AllSides Media Bias Chart, a shoddy piece of hyperpartisan media analysis)

  2. 3 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    You’re using dwg wrong, and you’re straight up body shaming, but the 8 likes on your comment show the peanut gallery in here is fine with cluelessness and hypocrisy, so carry on!

  3. 4 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “Coffee cup” usually isn’t spelled with a ‘k’ either, but do you see me complain? Eksaktly.

  4. 4 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Congratulations, Ruben. TtDB has finally reached the level of agitprop previously only seen in Chick tracts or Ben Garrison’s oeuvre of shlock. Guess that’s what an election year does to people.

  5. 4 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Alright, let’s try a new approach: Whenever a new TTDB comes out, I re-read the one from the same (or nearest) date a decade before. I’ll let you figure out the reason yourself, brainiacs.

  6. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Thumbs up from this cantankerous reader who likes a healthy dose of symmetry in his satirical cartoons

  7. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Fair enough. But I hope you can at least understand my disappointment as a long time reader who preferred the old style, even if you don’t condone it.

  8. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Sure, I don’t mind elaborating <3 This comic went from – occasionally political – satire to full-on partisan agitprop, coinciding roughly with Trump’s (first) election. Ever since then, the originality and unpredictability that made the old TTDB such a great comic has been replaced by political fanservice, presumably with the goal of attracting intellectually simple souls such as yourself as the new reader base.

  9. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Look at all that delicate fragility on display here. 28 replies and counting, every single one of them full of rage. You must have struck a chord with the Ruben fanboys, STSN, good job.

  10. 6 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Hilarious! You’ve noticed the deformity and turned it into a joke (of sorts). Remember kids, it’s okay to bodyshame as long as you do it to the bad guys™