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  1. 4 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    “Folsom Prison Blues” is song by American singer-songwriter Johnny Cash. Written in 1953, it was first recorded and released as a single in 1955…Source: Wikipedia. There is even a photo of the Sun Recording on the website. So the song WAS written and recorded by Cash. Trivia: he wrote the song while serving in the US Air Force in Germany.

  2. 4 months ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    There several interesting things about the Pyramid in Memphis, TN:1. It started out as a 20,000 seat arena, college and NBA basketball teams played there, was then used for concerts (the acoustics were not the best) and a church held conventions there. It was eventually unused most of the time. 2. The owner of the Bass Pro stores was talked into buying it on a challenge. Some people from Memphis tried to talk him into buying it and turning it into a Bass Pro store. He all ready had a store in Memphis and did not want the structure. They were fishing from a boat in the Mississippi River (the Pyramid sits very close to the river) and to get them to quit pestering him he told them that if any of them caught a 30 pound catfish by 4 o’clock then he would buy the Pyramid and put a store inside. Just before 4 p.m. someone brought in a large catfish. They were very near the Pyramid when it happened. He honored his word and bought the Pyramid.3. It contains the largest freestanding elevator (two cars) in North America. 28 stories. You can ride it up and back down for $8.4 There is a restaurant and glass bottom observation decks at the top. 5. There are 103 rooms and a spa around the sides known as the Grand Cypress Lodge.

  3. 4 months ago on Monty

    Remember the old movie scenes where Dr. Jekyll becomes Mr. Hyde?

  4. 4 months ago on Frank and Ernest

    Reminds me of a joke back when ABC took The Lawrence Welk Show off the air: Q. Why did ABC take Lawrence Welk off the air?A. Too much sax and violins!.

  5. 4 months ago on Arlo and Janis

    Has happened to both my my wife and me. Happened just last night. My wife yelled from the bathroom and I had to come to the rescue.

  6. 4 months ago on Big Nate

    Something like this happened to me when I was a Senior in high school. A girl setting next to me told me that her slip on shoes were too tight, but she was afraid to remove them for the rest of the class period because she had a foot odor problem. The class we were in was right after lunch. I told her to go ahead and slip them off. After all, how bad could it be? Whew! I almost lost my lunch.

  7. 4 months ago on Big Nate

    Does anybody remember the Married With Children episode where Al took off his shoes on a porch step and knocked a bird, which happened to be flying over, right out of the air?

  8. 5 months ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    The reason they banned Christmas was that they regarded it as a Catholic holiday. That is why Gen. Washington attacked Trenton on Dec. 26th, 1776. He knew the German Hessian soldiers hired by the British were mostly Catholic and would be hung over from celebrating Christmas on the 25th, which his own soldiers did not have to worry about because almost no Protestants in the Colonies at that time celebrated Christmas. Christmas celebrations among Protestants in the US did not start becoming common until the 1840’s and 1850’s.

  9. 5 months ago on Frank and Ernest

    My first house was $28,000. Of course neither of us is adjusting for inflation. New cars would probably still be more than the price of our houses, even with the inflation adjustment.

  10. 5 months ago on Frank and Ernest

    I am glad you can afford it. Most cars now cost more than I paid for my first house.