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  1. about 11 hours ago on The Other Coast

    Does that include trees taller than two stories? Not to mention a lot of birds use the tall buildings as homes.

  2. about 12 hours ago on The Other Coast

    Until we run out.

  3. about 12 hours ago on The Other Coast

    The desert is not just a lot of empty sand. It contains a lot of very specialized flora and fauna. I agree that we should we using solar on rooftops.

  4. 7 days ago on The Other Coast

    Unless they belong to one of the many closed Red Lobster restaurants!

  5. 7 days ago on The Other Coast

    It is better to get the home model at a shelter. Home Depot does not carry the type!

  6. 8 days ago on In the Bleachers

    If either of the fans touched the ball they would be guilty of fan interference. Their gloves are over the fence and into the field of play.

  7. 9 days ago on In the Bleachers

    I believe it was the Mayans who played that deadly version of ball. I saw a court/field at Chitzen Itza

  8. 12 days ago on In the Bleachers


  9. 13 days ago on The Other Coast

    Once took a previous dog to a pet fair. They had a booth where the dog could paint a picture with its paws, I had my dog do so, she had a great time doing so. Then while it was drying on a line in the booth, went to enjoy the rest of the fair. When I returned to the booth there were several written offers to buy the art! According to the booth workers, that never happened before. I did not sell. Took home the painting and framed it. Still get complements

  10. 15 days ago on The Other Coast

    I know but for some reason eating flies is more ewww inducing that eating crickets which are his favorite!