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  1. 9 days ago on Joel Pett

    Download our free app!! Give us your phone number, address, email, X, and Facebook user name!! Link your debit card identity to our email notice of payment!! Make it easier for us to get into your private and financial life with the least amount of effort on our part!! Be stupid so we more easily fleece you!!!!,

  2. 13 days ago on Lisa Benson

    It starts off as students protesting Netanyahu’s long time and latest efforts to wipe Palestine off the map. Then always (as you see), other players get into the mix, spinning the protest as generic Jewish hatred, pro-Hamas terrorism, Iranian stooges, anti-Christian-American elitism, left wing radicalism, etc etc etc. Hippy protesters whose only wish was to stop the Vietnam war were painted as communists, cowards, dope heads, freeloaders, fornicators, and etc etc etc. The common thread being, a simple protest stemming from a simple goal—peace inevitably draws in “outsiders” who for their own reason air grievances that have nothing to do with the original goal of the protest. The original effort to bring peace gets drowned and disappears into in a sea of rhetoric, noise, confusion, and raw hatred. Yet again.

  3. 14 days ago on Dana Summers

    Is Summers referring to Bill Barr and Hilary?

  4. 15 days ago on Michael Ramirez
    I suggest sir instead of Fox News to define fascism, you should use an Oxford dictionary to define fascism—“an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization”. A “liberal” fascist is a contradiction in terms. Is Biden a liberal? Again, in what way is Biden a fascist?
  5. 15 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Quite a stretch Mr Ramirez, having gone back 40 years to hang Biden with a red herring. Did you sir, back in 1983 foresee that you would be using your eclectic talent in 2024 to infer that a setting American president would not not see the immense value of state of the art armament? Probably not. Shame on you for this cheap shot.

  6. 16 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Eye to eye ratio comparison:In Bible: one for one. In Gaza: thirty two (and counting) for one.

  7. about 1 month ago on Matt Wuerker

    If you MAGAites haven’t caught on; Trump has proven he only knows how to destroy us. Starting in 2015, he has shown he creates nothing other than outrage, anger, and hatred. His strength comes from scaring his supporters, not from uplifting them with a confidence that our truly strong nation can become better. Fear is the GOP’s strategy to win the presidency. Haven’t you figured that out yet? We Americans are much stronger than the rabid “Chicken Little” GOP party that want us to cringe under the table beseeching Almighty Trump to save us from our own cowardice. Is it any wonder Putin and China support Trump? They want our nation weak and divided; run by a dictator—a stupid one like Donald John Trump.

  8. about 1 month ago on Gary Varvel

    Maybe they should have hired Alex Jones instead?

  9. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    I’ve come to believe that ANY religious or moral proposition whatsoever can be “proved” through a cherry-picked interpretation found in a cherry-picked selection of religious text. The multiple versions of the Bible, extending through 2000+ years, translated imperfectly back and forth between multiple languages each of which are subject to language drift from the “original” meaning lends itself easily to multiple interpretations of any particular verse or word written. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” is a more recent example of the problem of finding what was truly meant when the words were expressed. There will always be many ways to interpret it. I’m amused that we still after all this time continue to count the number of angels that dance on the heads of pins in hopes of proving a point. Steady employment for clergy for millennia.

  10. about 1 month ago on Joel Pett

    @Thomas: Your distinction between a “digital” and “in-person” citizen is important. Digital “citizenry” often entails a disembodied commentary—-positive, negative, tolerant, intolerant, hateful, loving, false, truthful, etc. There exists a personal remove that allows a freedom of expression different from traditional face-to-face expression. We likely are more at ease to type opinions into a screen; opinions that we would be less inclined to express in someone’s face. That digital expression easily lends itself readily to wide distribution is a power lacking in in-person, one on one communication. We are still coming to terms with that awesome power to sway ourselves. Both good and bad actors wield it to their own advantage. We must sharpen our skills to discern who wishes to sway us. We must weigh their motive, authority, integrity, and adherence to “just the facts ma’am”. Digital citizens do not have a face we can look into to determine if they are lying or telling the truth.