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  1. over 7 years ago on Steve Breen

    So your saying that we should try to stifle a peaceful protest movement aimed at continuing the fight for racial equality in this era of gross injustice? How exactly is an effort by minority groups to exercise their free speech on a truly disturbing societal ill a threat on par with the blatant racism and xenophobia that is now gaining legitimacy thanks to all the hatred and polarization that were inherent to Trump’s campaign?

  2. over 7 years ago on Steve Breen

    Good one!

  3. over 7 years ago on Human Cull

    Exactly. Its amazing how we are so dead set on supporting our political parties that we will blatantly deny a candidate’s faults even when there is irrefutable proof that he is a danger to society. Thank you for your willingness to make your opinion heard, and here’s to a not-completely-disastrous four years.

  4. over 7 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    Is gravity a hoax too? If you’re going to deny climate change you might as well say it is, since there is nearly as much evidence for climate change.

  5. over 7 years ago on Jen Sorensen

    Correction: The electoral college voted for minorities to “have no rights.” Once again our absurd system of electing the chief executive has failed miserably. The electoral college was originally designed to keep “the rabble” from having their votes count directly and to allow the south to have 3/5 of its slaves count toward the election results without them actually voting, but of course we will never get rid of it because conservatives will do whatever it takes to win elections, even if their actions ruin our democracy. So thanks for undermining our political system Republicans! Your support of the electoral college, discriminatory voter ID laws, etc proves that in your party almost every semblance of ethics has gone the way of the dodo.

  6. over 7 years ago on Jim Morin

    Trump’s promise to drain the political response is of course total bs; but considering his views on the environment we might have plenty of real swamps drained by 2020!