
Organic Squirrel Free

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  1. almost 10 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    “How to make a liberal get really mad at you (and start calling you names)”

    1 – Ask what they hated about Bush (i.e. The war stuff? NSA “data collecting”? etc..)

    2 – Explain how Obama is doing mostly the same stuff, only x4. (i.e. War stuff got worse. NSA got bigger. etc…)

    3 – Watch the liberal turn red and start calling you names. (“Racist” just happens to be one of the most popular at the moment, since I’m reminded constantly by the liberal press that this is the only reason anyone could possibly disagree with the president.)

  2. almost 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    What a great way to mess with the fans! (First two strips being obviously “in the style of” Watterson, with the third taking a different slant. :)I really (REALLY) hope that seeing Bill Watterson as a guest artist, is a trend that keeps….trending!