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  1. over 10 years ago on Dana Summers

    The single more ignorant comment on video games & violence I’ve ever seen – and that’s quite a feat. For example, “God of War” is a game about ancient Greek heroes – I’m open to the idea that this inspired a massacre if said massacre was performed by someone with a spear dressed as a hoplite.

    “Thrill Kill”? An 15 year old UNPUBLISHED game. (I hadn’t even heard of it til I googled it.)

    “Mortal Kombat” – a 22 year old melee combat game. No guns in it at all.

    There is no correlation between the number of video games played in a country and the number of massacres, and plenty of correlation between the number of guns and the number of massacres. Ireland has one of the highest rates of game console ownership in the world, and our gun deaths are negligible.
