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  1. about 8 years ago on Tom Toles

    I just didn’t appreciate how many voters want to return to the 1950’s. If I remember, it wasn’t that great then either.

  2. over 8 years ago on Tom Toles

    What is going on in the country is mostly a culture war – those who want to reverse change and those who know we must adapt. I would love to hear one truly positive proposal from the reds but their views are almost entirely about returning to the past. The fuel for the recent conflicts is fear created by the rate of change. Exploitive politicians see this and want to ban Muslims, shout about second amendment rights, attack the ACA, defund Planned Parenthood, deny global warming (whatever the cause), cry about the deficit they caused or want to start another war. When I hear reds rant about these issues I often try to guess as to what decade they want to return to. And immigration, who employed those millions of people for decades at supressed wages – the reds. What hypocrites.

  3. almost 9 years ago on Tom Toles

    I think most everyone has got this argument wrong. What if, just possibly, the science is right and these changes may be irreversible? Now that threatens our very existence. How can anyone take this risk? Pretend you are explaining to your grandchildren the current generation destroyed the planet because some denied the science? Denying the risk is not OK.

  4. over 9 years ago on Tom Toles

    The real point is what if those denying global change are wrong? Ignoring climate cancer does not mean it goes away.