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  1. almost 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    @grayhares: I agree, the twin towers were not brought down by any normal ‘controlled demolition’. In fact, I no longer believe that explosives were the primary cause of the ‘collapse’. However, the facts are the facts…both buildings crumbled into a fine dust right before our eyes. The pile of debris was minuscule. Fire had even less to do with the collapse than did explosives.

    As for your second point, it can be easily refuted by the many photos taken (from all sides of the bldg.) of bldg. 7 that day. There was one floor that burned for awhile and a couple other small fires on other floors but the bldg. was hardly damaged at all. Other closer buildings, like WTC 2, 3 & 4 were severely damaged…and they didn’t ‘collapse’.

    Again, Judy Wood B.S. M.S. Ph.D. illuminates all these issues in her fully documented and lavishly illustrated book “Where Did the Towers Go?” with unbiased scientific rigor.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    Another great comic, Ted! It’s no wonder you attract so many brainwashed trolls like ‘s’ and ‘towerwarlock’. Here ‘human’ makes some simple points about elementary physics and they go ballistic. Anyone who looks honestly at 9/11 can see that the ‘official story’ is pure garbage. It was garbage 10 years ago and it’s garbage today. Period. For those of you who are interested in actual science I would again suggest taking a close look at Dr. Judy Wood’s spectacular book “Where Did The Towers Go?”. Check your library’s business and technology section.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    what hijackers!? seriously, does ANYONE still believe the pile of crap they used to call the “official story”?! Ted is spot on alright, the media will do anything to keep people from THINKING. Surely some of Ted’s readers are intelligent enough to have recognized that 9/11 had nothing to do with any EXTERNAL foe! Have you done your homework? Have you “looked into it”? If you want irrefutable hard science try Dr. Judy Wood’s amazing book “Where Did The Towers Go” 2010. My library had it and it blew my mind wide open.

  4. almost 13 years ago on Ted Rall

    it’s depressing that so many of the people commenting here are still hopelessly caught up in imaginary distinctions between the two factions of our thoroughly corrupt fake democracy. wake the flock up, sheeple!