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  1. about 14 years ago on Stone Soup

    Kreole stated: “If her Gram really wants to help, then she should become active in trying to bring democracy to these poor people.”

    Actually, the more educated people are, the more likely that they’ll have a democracy. Knowledge is power, power given to the people.

    As for the question of helping folks here or in other countries, why does it have to be one or the other? We can and should help both.

  2. about 14 years ago on Stone Soup

    Jan, so great that you’re using Evie to educate readers about what is happening in the world. Globally, about 75 million kids aren’t in school because their families can’t afford the school fees. A Global Fund for Education – which demands accountability for the money spent – could help these nations eliminate school fees and ensure that every child gets a seat in the classroom

    I invite you to use results.org as a resource in the future for Evie. RESULTS is the organization that introduced Muhammad Yunus to the U.S. Congress 20 years before he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in providing small loans to the poor.

    Jan, if you’ve touched a nerve here, it only means you’re on the right track.