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  1. over 14 years ago on Stone Soup

    Yeah, yeah, you have a choice as to how you respond to things….yet another worn cliche that doesn’t really help anyone. Besides, the people who choose to laugh are often simply putting on an act. I don’t believe in putting on false fronts, and by acting out my emotions, it’s easier for me to get it all out, deal with it, and put it behind me, rather than hiding it because people like you will get turned off by my true feelings.

  2. over 14 years ago on Stone Soup

    “Your life is what you make it.”

    Not everything that happens to you is your fault. Please stop perpetuating such bullsh*t, tired cliches. Not only is the game stacked against you from birth, but you can try your best to do everything right, and still end up in a bad place.