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  1. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    There is no use adding yet another argument pro or con, the issue has been talked to death and the venom doesn’t help. Instead I humbly and respectfully offer a suggestion. Visit Israel! There you will see the truth right in front of you. Ask the soldier sitting next to you on the bus if he wants to kill every Arab. He will tell you he doesn’t want to kill anybody. He would rather be home with his wife and kids. He has nothing against the Arabs at all and wishes they would leave him alone. Visit any hospital and notice that a large percentage of the patients are Arab, from all over the middle east. Stop by a synagogue and see if the Rabbi mentions anything about murder revenge and blood and killing everyone he doesn’t aggree with. Stand on any street corner and say whatever you want as loud as you want. No secret police will drag you away forever. Visit the Arab villages in Israel and ask why they don’t run away to Syria or Yemen. They will look at you like you are crazy. Ask them who they voted for in the last election. Stop a shool kid on the street and ask him what he wants to be when he grows up. the answers will all have something to do with sports the arts or sciences, and all the answers will be about something positive but most of the answers will end with “if I do grow up”. Want to get the Palestinian perspective? Just ask them, they are walking on the sidewalk next to you, sitting in the park with their kids just like the Israelis. They are not locked up in cages.

    Want to express your political opinion? Start your own party! Everybody does it! You don’t even have to be a citizin!

    If you really are as concerned as many people clearly are, how can you judge accuratly if you have never been anywhere near the place?

    It is a different world there and Israel has made some mistakes…heck even Mr. Obama has made a few …but I am confident that any reasonable person would be surprised by what he sees. The distorted and just plain evil descriptions of Israel currently making the rounds in almost every media outlet make it easy for people to believe that Israel slaughters as many people as possible for the fun of it.

    When you visit ask paople if they are pleased that so many people were killed. The man on the street will tell you that even though Hamas knew this was going to happen they continued to provoke Israel knowing that eventually the dam would burst and Israel would have to try to take out the shooters even if they were shooting from the third floor of a crowded apartment building.Having said that is, he happy other people wre killed? NO! And he is not handing out candies. Visit Israel then we will talk intelligently. The sad joke in all this is that if you strip away all the political baloney,the Jews and Arabs are relly very similar and can live together. Visit Israel and find out for yourself. I visited Egypt and came back with a totally different view of the people there and a newfound repect for them. It seems that many other people on both sides should take a similar trip.

  2. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    After reading all the material generated by this one cartoon, it strikes me that Anti Semitism does have one redeeming point. It sure keeps people aware of what’s happening in the middle east.People hang on every detail of what is unquestionably the worst human tragedy in history, at minimum (according to the comments sent to this site) Sadly the information they are getting is so slanted that even some Muslims are starting to call for some semblance of reality in the reporting.It must take hours to edit the reports to take out any bit of info that could possibly reflect badly on the Palestinians or any other Arab group. For example…there are two border crossing points from Gaza, one into Israel and one into Egypt. The Israeli point was open even during the war. The Egyptian point was closed solidly.Your news source whatever it is probably “forgot” to point it out. As well, the conflict in the middle east seems to take up all the world’s time and attention with the result that the real problem ares are ignored. We know where the phosphorus is made but could we find the Congo on a map? The war there kills more people on a quiet Sunday than have been killed in Palestine in years. Can you remember any in depth reporting from the scene as 400,000 were slaughtered in the Sudan? No time for that we have to concentrate on the length of time it takes to cross the border in to Israel. Maybe it’s time to start to pay attention to the other 99.5% of the world’s population. Many of them are suffering in conditions far worse than those in Palestine. Don’t worry though you, can blame those problems on the Jews as well

  3. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Sorry for all the typos the key board is getting smaller and smaller

  4. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Sorry for all the typos the key board is getting smaller and smaller

  5. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Let’s try this again… Close your eyes and imagine a group,connected to the Mexican government or not,firing rockets from Juarez Mexico into El Paso Texas. After a day or two even a nice guy like Mr. Obama is going to have to do something. He warns them but they say they are willing to die and are not afraid of the big bully. Days go by and rockets are falling all over that part of Texas forcing people to sleep in bomb shelters. After another few days Mr Obama says he has had enough and says he will have to send his troops in if it doesn’t stop. The rockets increase and they say they have no intention of stopping and it’s America’s fault. When the troops and jets finally move in and are met with fierce resistance, how many innocent Mexicans would die? A thousand? In the first 10 minutes. The panicked people would then rush to the US border to get away from the craziness but guess what? The border would be sealed! By the way the rockets are still falling on Israel but that doesn’t seem to matter. Only Israeli bombs are worth mentioning.

  6. about 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Perhaps the reason he has no head is because it was chopped off by one of those harmless radical groups for one of their videos. (Remember Daniel Pearl? He worked for a newspaper too!) When these cuddly underdogs (all 500,000,000 of them) are finished with the Jews they will be coming after America next.