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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    Are they gonna put him in a glass case like Lenin?

  2. about 16 hours ago on Matt Wuerker

    Biden-Harris had the chance to remake the court, but literally said they would never do such a thing as add more justices to it. So what is the point of fear-mongering about SCOTUS if the ticket you’re promoting won’t fix it?

  3. about 16 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    And it will continue to be $1.50 at Costco, even as other prices are raised beyond belief

  4. about 16 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    “No effort to ‘exterminate’ the Palestinian people”

    Israel: Flee to Khan Younis where it will be safe for you

    Also Israel: bombs Khan Younis

    Israel: Flee further south where it will be safe for you

    Also Israel: bombs the next safe zone

    Israel: Flee to Rafah, this is the last safe zone

    Also Israel: Bombs and invades Rafah

    Also also Israel: destroys 70% of the residential buildings in the Gaza Strip; puts out a call for Palestinians to GTFO or else be pushed out; destroys Palestinian cultural landmarks and buildings like mosques and ancient ruins; destroys Palestinian schools and cemeteries; implements a pogrom in the West Bank; prevents humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza; murders international aid workers; murders over 100 journalists; the list continues to go on and on.

    This is a very loose definition of “No effort to ‘exterminate’ the Palestinian people” that you’re using here.

  5. about 16 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    LOL, yeah, they end up in jail just like US cops end up in jail when they kill someone in cold blood on the job.

  6. about 16 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The person in my avatar is named Bob, and he’s supposed to be a (sub) genius, but he’s a fictional character for a sarcastic religion.

  7. about 16 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Here is an NPR article about the Dems funding far right candidates

    www npr org/ 2022/ 11/ 11/ 1135878576/ the-democrats-strategy-of-boosting-far-right-candidates-seems-to-have-worked

    Here’s a washington post article of the same theme

    www washingtonpost. com/ politics/ 2022/ 09/ 12/ democrats-interfere-republican-primaries/

    Here’s NBC news

    www nbcnews. com/ politics/ elections/ pelosi-defends-democratic-efforts-boost-far-right-candidates-gop-prima-rcna40706


    www nbcnews. com/ politics/ elections/ pelosi-defends-democratic-efforts-boost-far-right-candidates-gop-prima-rcna40706


    www vox. com/ 23274469/ democrats-extremist-republicans-mastriano-cox-bailey


    www forbes. com/ sites/ siladityaray/ 2022/ 11/ 09/ democrats-boosted-far-right-gop-candidates-in-battleground-states-and-its-paying-off/ ?sh=32f4e5255e08

    The Guardian

    www theguardian. com/ commentisfree/ 2022/ oct/ 03/ the-democrats-are-purposely-boosting-far-right-republicans-this-will-backfire

  8. 1 day ago on Ted Rall

    It absolutely does allow multi-party, just not the Parliamentarian style democracies found throughout most of the West. Dems currently control the US Senate because of two independents, Angus King and Bernie Sanders.

  9. 1 day ago on Ted Rall

    You have a very misguided view on the dofferences between a Republic and a Democracy

  10. 1 day ago on Ted Rall

    Dems have been funding and otherwise assisting maga dipsh-ts in the primaries under the mistaken belief they will be easier to defeat on election day.

    But they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anyone to the left of Chuck Schumer from being on the ballot — even if that person is a registered Democrat — because they can’t stand any oppostion that they didn’t pre-arrange for themselves.