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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Bob Gorrell

    True dat, w/out lies they got nuttin’.

  2. 2 days ago on Bob Gorrell

    The 10% is a 100% proven lie.

  3. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    Ha Ha this is hilarious, take your meds princess, Pandora sewed her box shut when trump showed up.

  4. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    LOL at all the magats turning flags upside down, weeping and wailing …rendering their garments.

    Best buckle up buttercups, the big trials are coming next and they also have reams and reams of solid irrefutable evidence and witnesses just like this one.

    Today is a good day to denounce your orange god, the golden idle.

  5. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    trump has managed to escape accountability from the political system, but in a court of law, where prosecutors brought facts, witnesses were under oath, and jurors did not need him to keep them in positions of power, he lost. maga lies couldn’t protect him there.

    And so he continued his assault on the rule of law. maga lawmakers, including House speaker Johnson and Cruz, both of whom were involved in the events of January 6, 2021, joined him in attacking the system that produced the guilty verdicts, although they steered clear of defending trump himself.

    When put under oath they lose every time.

  6. 2 days ago on Mike Lester

    This case goes to the core of who this pos really is: a common lowlife and an utter fraud, lying and bullying with impunity. His nauseating disrespect for women, his virulent hatred of minorities, and his utter contempt for any semblance of ethics are the qualities that appealed to the lurking mouth-breathing bigoted bullies among us that make up his base, and the facade of wealth and power propped up by a parasitic tabloid media duped the gullible beyond that base.

    These dynamics are the origins of his political rise without which the greater crimes would not have been possible. What poetic justice that porn stars and botched paperwork, incompetent co-conspirators – simple sleaze, simple lies, and simple laziness – marks his first major branding of GUILTY.

  7. 2 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Always projection and hypocrisy w/the cons.

  8. 2 days ago on Nick Anderson

    Not a single one of trump’s former cabinet members has endorsed him. NONE.


    Will the idiot base pull their heads out and wake up?

  9. 3 days ago on Nick Anderson

    What fresh hell is this that a convicted felon is not immediately ejected from the US presidential race by enraged voters of BOTH parties and pilloried by the ENTIRE world press?

    I guarantee you, were trump a Democrat, he would have been FORCED to withdraw the moment the indictment came down, even if it were only a single felony count. Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 because it was SUGGESTED she MIGHT be facing a single felony charges (which turned out to be a lie).

    But in this age of entitled snowflakes on the right, filled with insane rage and a permanent sense of lunatic, paranoia-driven persecution, we are faced with a convicted felon running for president and he might even “win.” (And we have an entire political party rigging the election to ensure he does win.)

    And our utterly corrupt media plays an enormous part in stoking the rage, playing the “both sides” game, and telling outright lies to generate clicks and profits.

    trump is right. This nation has become a real sh!thole. And that is his signature accomplishment.

  10. 3 days ago on Robert Ariail

    trump’s appeal oral arguments will be in front of the first All-Black women Appellate bench. He’ll probably have a black probation officer as well.

    Karma making MTG look like a lap dog.