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  1. about 1 hour ago on Walt Handelsman

    “Abortions for the hedonistic lefties who would vote blue”

    So, you have a specific group of human beings that you want killed off entirely.

    Another republican eugenicist A$$HOLE

  2. about 2 hours ago on Marshall Ramsey

    I’m COMPLETELY fine with that. And he could take the magat politicians and donors with him, and they could found their own country, with a wall around it, maybe they could buy up some acres in Guyana…

  3. about 7 hours ago on Chip Bok

    If they were gonna “take him out” they should have done it when he was in the courtroom, so he could die in his sleep.

  4. about 8 hours ago on Chip Bok

    “Any fool knows that trump is no coward” You summed that up perfectly. I bet you know he’s no coward, am I right?

    So you think they’re gonna “take him out if he wins”, instead of taking him out now, before he wins???

    As I said, when you speak, you prove over and over again what “any fool knows”.

  5. about 10 hours ago on Marshall Ramsey

    eric trump tried to fundraise exploiting dead American soldiers by advertising a 30 percent off Memorial Day sale.

  6. about 14 hours ago on Chip Bok

    “I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order, I can’t testify. I’m not allowed to testify because this judge is totally conflicted, has me under an unconstitutional gag order.”

    That was trump lying. The gag order was to prevent trump from speaking out about potential witnesses and most people in or associated with the court or the New York district attorney’s office, and that’s the gag order that trump ignored multiple.

    trump also lied when he said he’d testify. He was never going to testify. They couldn’t have gotten him up on the stand if they had baited the chair with Big Macs and free money.

    The reason trump didn’t testify is because he’s a coward and he can’t stand being questioned under oath, knowing he can’t lie his way out.

    Also, there was a possibility trump might be forced to read his own statements, and he’s barely literate, so he’d be further humiliated, struggling with out loud reading.

  7. 1 day ago on Dana Summers

    The defense threatens the jury:

    “Think twice”.

  8. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Don’t forget the private planes.

    And the luxury yachts.

    And the free fishing trips.

    And the other flag.

    Ok. Draw a cartoon that covers those.

    Of course you can’t.

  9. 2 days ago on Joel Pett

    “Lie-lie-lieLie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lieLie-lie-lieLie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie, lie-lie-lie-lie-lie”

    (The Boxer, also, The republican party, lead singer, trump)

  10. 2 days ago on John Deering

    Excellent, Lea!

    Your poem inspired me to write a poem. Submitted for your enjoyment:

    A better fantasy, for me, regarding orange fat boy, will be to watch him get ignored just like a thrown away toy.

    He’ll fade from limelight in his cell, his “brand” will be forgotten.

    He’ll be looked down on like old garbage, and probably smell as rotten.

    I can’t wait till trump is in the can, and et me tell you all why:

    He’ll lose access to spray-on tan, and for him, no more hair dye!