
Saurischia Premium

Comics I Follow



By Jef Mallett
Speed Bump

Speed Bump

By Dave Coverly
F Minus

F Minus

By Tony Carrillo
Wumo en Español

Wumo en Español

By Wulff & Morgenthaler


By Wulff & Morgenthaler
Wallace the Brave

Wallace the Brave

By Will Henry
Red and Rover

Red and Rover

By Brian Basset
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

By Thaves


By Brian Crane
The Duplex

The Duplex

By Glenn McCoy
Loose Parts

Loose Parts

By Dave Blazek
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
Baby Blues

Baby Blues

By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Tom the Dancing Bug

Tom the Dancing Bug

By Ruben Bolling
Two Party Opera

Two Party Opera

By Brian Carroll
Bill Bramhall

Bill Bramhall

Clay Jones

Clay Jones

Jack Ohman

Jack Ohman



By Garry Trudeau
Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett

Mike Luckovich

Mike Luckovich

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers



By Marty Two Bulls Sr.
Matt Davies

Matt Davies

Jeff Danziger

Jeff Danziger

John Deering

John Deering

Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson

Robert Ariail

Robert Ariail

Joe Heller

Joe Heller

Jen Sorensen

Jen Sorensen

Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel

Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker

Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz

La Cucaracha en Español

La Cucaracha en Español

By Lalo Alcaraz
La Cucaracha

La Cucaracha

By Lalo Alcaraz
Win, Lose, Drew

Win, Lose, Drew

By Drew Litton
Views of the World

Views of the World

By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Keith Knight
Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Scott Stantis

Scott Stantis

Prickly City

Prickly City

By Scott Stantis
Jeff Stahler

Jeff Stahler

Drew Sheneman

Drew Sheneman

Marshall Ramsey

Marshall Ramsey

Ted Rall

Ted Rall

Joel Pett

Joel Pett

Henry Payne

Henry Payne

Jim Morin

Jim Morin

Pedro X. Molina

Pedro X. Molina

Brian McFadden

Brian McFadden

Gary Markstein

Gary Markstein

Mike Lester

Mike Lester

Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons

By Kevin Necessary
Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley

Kevin Kallaugher

Kevin Kallaugher

Rebecca Hendin

Rebecca Hendin

Phil Hands

Phil Hands

Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman

Bob Gorrell

Bob Gorrell

Tim Campbell

Tim Campbell

Chris Britt

Chris Britt

Steve Breen

Steve Breen

Matt Bors

Matt Bors

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Steve Benson

Steve Benson

Lisa Benson

Lisa Benson

Eric Allie

Eric Allie

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Jeff Stahler

    I am trying to figure out how to turn it off. It takes twice as long to type something as it is almost always wrong!

  2. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    it is ok if a republican does it

  3. 1 day ago on Clay Jones

    …and altogether spooky…

  4. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    I don’t understand. How has Biden caused inflation? And, what can he do about it as president?

  5. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    Thank you for taking the time for an explanation. The scenarios you measure do have so many variables to evaluate, often some of which are unknown unknowns. Some of these are cases where one has to make decisions based on what is known and possibly to mitigate for the worst case.

  6. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    I agree! It is such a myth that private business is efficiently run. Having worked for many many high tech firms in Silicon Valley, I can say that they are never efficient. FAR from it. I was in the USMC and it was actually run far better than any company I ever worked for.

  7. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Even if true, you must admit that one or the other will be our next president under current circumstances. Given our current structure, voting for a third party means you definitely will not get the person you want, so why waste your vote?

  8. 2 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    What you say is interesting. Can you please give some details of statistics that were ignored?

  9. 2 days ago on The Duplex

    Tesla is being sued for its factory mishandling hazardous wastes from its Fremont, CA plant.

  10. 3 days ago on Rob Rogers

    A la the classic movie The Women.