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  1. about 10 hours ago on Clay Jones

    So, Blacks and Hispanics are willing to overlook Trump’s racism because Biden had done so much good for them? Or are there just more imbeciles who are Black and Hispanic now?

  2. about 11 hours ago on Clay Jones


  3. about 11 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Obviously you can’t read. I haven’t found anybody who objects to including the N*gro League statistics. Can you name anyone who has come out against it?

  4. about 11 hours ago on Clay Jones

    So you have to be a racist to oppose Bumbling Biden? Why are more Black and Hispanics becoming racist?

  5. about 11 hours ago on Clay Jones

    But did you find anyone who actually disagreed with the decision? I didn’t.

  6. about 11 hours ago on Ted Rall

    This time is too important not to try something. Going with a losing strategy is guaranteed to lose, trying something different is what the Republicans did in 2016, and the Democrats need to do now.

  7. about 12 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Do a google search and TRY to find someone who objects. I searched and couldn’t find anyone.

  8. about 12 hours ago on Ted Rall

    No matter who wins this go round, there is a good chance they will end our Republic.

  9. about 12 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Your problem is that you think you need someone with name recognition. Try running someone without name recognition who actually has some good ideas, and you would see Trump’s support evaporate.

  10. about 13 hours ago on Clay Jones

    What are you blathering about? No conservative have come out against including the N*gro League statistics.