
lavender headgear Free

After graduating from the University of Tuktoyaktuk with a degree in ice fishing, Lavender Q. Headgear briefly pursued a career in elk wrestling before buying a 200-hectare ranch on Baffin Island, where he lives with his team of eight huskies and raises polar bears. His pronouns are velvet and headgear.

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  1. 4 days ago on Andertoons

    He should be along any minute.

  2. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Putin sees the stalemate caper coming from over the hill and far away and he is having none of it. And since Putin, and Putin alone, will determine the ultimate outcome, a stalemate is not in the cards. The Western media is full of this idea: ignore them. Putin will continue killing Ukrainian soldiers as long as Zelensky continues tossing them into his maw.

    As far as nukes are concerned, Russia has taken a clear and consistent position: NATO’s aggression and encirclement are an existential threat to Russia. NATO membership for Ukraine, nuclear weapons in Ukraine and long-range missiles based in Ukraine are a red line for Russia. Faced with a choice of being utterly destroyed alone or being utterly destroyed along with its enemies, Russia will choose the latter. And we have seen (contrary to what I thought at first) that the Russians do not bluff.

  3. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    First point: That’s what I said. The agreement had been worked out by the sherpas. The heads of state were going to sign once all details were worked out which they were. That’s how these things are done. The point is a peace plan was good to go and Washington put the kybosh on it. Close to a million pointless deaths followed.

    Second point: Both leaders imprison journalists and opposition figures. As I said I see no angels in this fight. But Russia has opposition parties, Ukraine does not. Putin is unquestionably popular, Zelensky clearly is not. Your legacy sources tell you Ukraine is a democracy and Russia is an autocracy. If anything, the opposite is true.

    Third point: Yes.

  4. 5 days ago on Monty

    I envy my friend for his hot wife and I covet his hot wife. But I get jealous when my hot wife kisses Brad Pitt on the lips.

  5. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The order of events is important. Putin invaded Crimea after the US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine. Putin saw he was about to lose the Black Sea Fleet and moved to secure his country’s interests. The shelling of civilian areas of Donbas by the Kiev regime started after that. Putin regards himself as the guardian of all the Russian people, not just those inside his borders — not a Westphalian perspective but that’s the Russian perspective.

    You can find the story about the peace treaty Zelensky tore up, and Boris Johnson’s role in that disastrous decision, in the London Daily Mail.

    By the way, Putin just won a thumping re-election, whereas Zelensky suspended all elections and there won’t be any until Ukrainian victory, which won’t happen. Both countries imprison and execute opposition figures and journalists. Russia is growing its army with volunteers, Ukraine with conscripts literally grabbed off the streets and strong-armed into vans. It’s hard to paint Ukraine as the good guy.

    The best outcome is a quick victory for Russia. Ukraine can’t win, so that’s off the table. Worst outcome is nuclear war, which the Biden regime seems hell-bent on triggering. So I’m in favor of immediate surrender by Ukraine, recognizing reality on the battlefield.

  6. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    There’s a lot the legacy media isn’t telling you. Your country has a tendency to pressure or deceive its enemies into making the first move (or faking the first move, as in the Gulf of Tonkin incident). Ukraine shelled the Donbas, killing thousands of civilians, for years. When Biden and Zelensky made noises about parking nukes on Ukrainian soil and bringing Ukraine into NATO, Putin issued a stern warning. Ultimately Zelensky and Putin initialed a peace treaty — then the US nixed it, sending Boris Johnson to say the West would back him up and he should tear up the treaty. NATO in Ukraine is a clear and present danger to Russian security; Putin invaded as a last resort.

    Don’t mistake any of these Western “leaders” for friends of Ukraine. They don’t give a f**k about Ukraine. They don’t care that Ukrainian men are being thrown into a meat grinder every day. Blackrock is buying land for pennies on the dollar. Lindsay Graham is gorging himself on MIC money. Ukraine’s sovereignty was destroyed when Vicky Nuland orchestrated a coup in 2014. Trump wants to stop the killing — one more reason why the swamp wants him out of the way.

  7. 6 days ago on Monty

    That’s one of my bugbears too.

  8. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Trump: President at the time, supreme authority on how docs are handled, ergo did not break the law

    Biden: Never had authority, broke the law for over a decade

    Trump: Careful stewardship of documents, in constant touch with FBI and PRO

    Biden: No nothing, left docs in a garage, crackhead with run of the properties

    Trump: Gets SWATted, FBI stage photos and tamper with evidence, and big lawfare attack (now in disarray).

    Biden: He said he’s sorry and it’s all good.

    Egregious double standard. To earn that much hatred from the swamp, you gotta be doing something right. For his fight to reclaim America from its enemies, even at risk of imprisonment, DJT will be remembered as the greatest President of our lifetimes.

  9. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Trump made life easier in my country by bringing down gas prices and not starting any new wars. He also kept us safe from the most virulent, early form of covid, by stopping flights from China (earning vicious accusations of racism from Nancy and Chuck). Our communist traitor Prime Minister, Justin “son of Fidel” Trudeau, is shipping billions of Canadian dollars over to the sinkhole of corruption that is Ukraine.

    But my main interest is that America is the leader of the Western world. Tackling the swamp (deep state, MIC, shadow govt, call it what you will) in your country gives us inspiration to do the same. The parasitic class is too powerful in all our countries.

  10. 7 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The 2020 election was stolen. Do you recall seeing even ONE well attended Biden rally? Oh but 81 million votes! I have described the vast, vast mountain of evidence for this unavoidable conclusion many times before.

    The pictures “don’t look that different” by design. A picture of the documents as Trump left them would look like a locked safe in a secure room, because that’s where they were. The FBI (Frame-ups, Blackmail and Intimidation) staged the photo. The fact that the FBI arrived with a warrant doesn’t mean they needed one. If they wanted to look, they only had to ask. Instead they showed up armed to the teeth and out of uniform — what outcome were they looking for?

    And, again, Joe was NOT president when he took the classified docs. And, again, he didn’t “report the matter promptly,” the docs were in his garage for YEARS. With a crackhead given the run of the properties.

    What’s my interest? Oh, I don’t know… Tally up a list of today’s global superpowers. Any names come to the top of the list?