Cobra 1

[Traveler] Premium

My avatar is a photo of an AH-1F Cobra helicopter, of which I was a pilot. I am retired Army and have lived in many states and have visited all 50. In the words of Farmer's insurance, I know a few things because I've seen a few things.

Recent Comments

  1. 20 minutes ago on The Argyle Sweater

    It’s just a stick ( check that out on Bad Lip Reading)

  2. 24 minutes ago on Arlo and Janis

    One word: bacon

  3. 25 minutes ago on Arlo and Janis

    Exactly what I was thinking

  4. 27 minutes ago on Baldo

    I have been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember. They put it in a saucer for me to sip it out of when I was very small. I’d have a cup with my mom after school when I was in elementary school.

  5. 31 minutes ago on The Born Loser

    Mission accomplished

  6. 32 minutes ago on Brewster Rockit

    Only someone with really, really low intelligence would equate what was said with injecting bleach

  7. 34 minutes ago on Frank and Ernest

    You’re thinking of a different Atlas

  8. 36 minutes ago on Herman

    You know, that thingamajig

  9. 38 minutes ago on Moderately Confused

    Mine’s more like a full body dry heave

  10. about 18 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    they did