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  1. 3 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    And a degree in journalism might be the ONLY way some academic failure can get a degree in something other than Pre-Columbian Fern Growth in the Amazon Rain Forest, which, for ALL intents and purposes, would be equally useless.

  2. 6 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    There is a huge difference between a “problem”, and a “disaster”, as a disaster refers to something that has already occurred, whereas, the vast majority of the “problems” that the MEDIA so loves to get so worked up about, are merely the MEDIA’s proven method of sensationalizing, and hyper-ventilating over almost everything, and since sensationalism and embellishment attract viewers, and viewers attract advertisers, the MEDIA is able to bring in that badly needed revenue.Remember that those in the MEDIA are NEITHER ‘scientists’, or "experts’, and those they cite as being so, might well be fellow members of their ‘profession’. After all, these aspiring young ‘journalists’ and ‘reporters’ were undoubtedly told on their first day of journalism school, that their degree would make them “EXPERTS ON EVERYTHING”.

  3. 7 days ago on Wizard of Id

    What kind of wizardry moved the Kingdom of ID from horse drawn carts, to its minstrels riding in rubber tired, fossil fueled tour buses?

  4. 11 days ago on Luann

    Au Contraire, there are far to many incidents that are reported on, or recorded by legitimate news sources, or First Amendment Auditors, that show that “good little storm troopers”, ARE exactly the type of person that are actively recruited into, and then welcomed into the world of today’s heavily militarized, and weaponized law enforcement agencies, where they are ‘trained’ to view we civilians, law abiding or not, as “enemies of the state”.

  5. 14 days ago on Luann

    The good little storm trooper has a great future ahead as a sworn member of law enforcement.

  6. 20 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Another question that very few of the ’modern American, would be hard pressed to answer is to show them a clock showing ZULU (24 hour) time

  7. 20 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I have to wonder what percent of Americans could NOT tell the time if they looked at a ‘normal’ clock? Then, to really fk them over, ask the same question when looking at a clock with Roman numerals.

  8. 25 days ago on Luann

    She’d make far more money as a welder, than almost any college graduate, and certainly ANY of those with their useless four year degree in some worthless field of study.Now, with the advent of AI in the food service industry, where will those who have those totally worthless degrees, find a place to work?

  9. 26 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    The ‘progressives’ might be so offended as to demand that Pearls Before Swine, go the way of Dilbert.

  10. 27 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Isn’t it interesting that we see the truth put into words, in a comic, rather than having the MEDIA doing the ‘job’ that once was expected of it, mainly through their own motto of “speaking truth to power”, but, I guess that they get too many ‘perks’ from the government, and the candidates to ask serious questions.